Navalai Settlement in Grendor | World Anvil
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High up in the Dragalon Mountains sits a sprawling city of stone towers. This is the home of The Draga. The proud race used to inhabit the entirety of the mountain range, even having smaller settlements at the base of the mountains. However, The Great War and the goriwing population of The Humans caused them to flee to the main city.   At the heart of Navalai is the stone tree. It's rumoured to guard the secret truth of what caused the Great War all those many years ago. However, no elder dare open it. Although the Draga are indeed a proud race, it also causes an extraordinary level of stubbornness.   The city of Navalai is nearly impossible to break into (or out of). This has led to rumours and whisperings of the fall of the Draga. That they, in fact, do not exist or have simply lost their almighty powers. Navalai used to be the home of dragons too, but for over a hundred of years there hasn't been a sighting of such a beast. King Beiric and his forces have taken these lack of signs to mean that the Draga are not a threat to the humans anymore, and so are focussed on the destruction of The Vulmari instead.
The City of Navalai
The Stone Tree

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