Gudfiin Dron Character in Grendor | World Anvil
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Gudfiin Dron

“Why do you lie? You say nice things and then ruin what it is you have said. I would have fought the beast by myself many times without dying. You actually made it harder to defeat with your fancy magick getting in the way!” - Gudfiin


Gudfiin Dron is a fierce warrior from Panea. A half-elf, he also holds some magick power which he mostly uses to form a strong bond with Solviek. Gudfiin, when not battling creatures or the King's Guard, is a keen cook. He keeps the recipe of his fireale sauce close to his chest, not even disclosing the details to his partner, Wulfer Dron.    


Eyes: Dark purple
Face: Squared, defined jawline
Hair: Brown and braided, though ususally covered with a wolf's head
Height: 7'4" broad shoulders, somewhat muscular
Other: Has slightly pointed ears, the mark of a half-elf


Once a member of the nomadic Panean tribe, Gudfiin met Wulfer while battling a mighty beast. They became fast friends and soon grew to mean more to one another. They're now in a loving relationship, though it takes on a more deep, spiritual form rather than a sexual one. Gudfiin provides support with Solviek too.
Year Of Birth
3398, 254 years old  
Wulfer Dron - partner

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