Halvik Svandor Character in Grendor | World Anvil
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Halvik Svandor

"Do not let her death be in vein, my son. Purge their foul flesh from this land and not only shall your mother finally rest in light, but the Kingdom shall be a safe place once and for all" - Halvik


Halvik Svandor was in innovator unlike any other. He joined King Garund's court at the age of 16, an apprentice to the King's closest advisor. He quickly became a prominent member of the King's inner circle and remained there until his untimely death in 3630, aged just 53. When Garund stepped down from the throne in 3598 to Estrid and Hallmund, Halvik remained in the position of his confidant. When the young couple died, King Garund took his position on the throne once more, just until Beiric was old enough to rule. Before he passed away in 3016, the King set up a counsel of seven men with Halvik at the helm. They were to guide the young King to becoming a ruler worthy of his people.   Halvik was effectively given free rule of the Kingdom. Not only did this help fuel his madness and obsession over fae extermination, it also changed the face of the world forever. Whilst at the King's side, Halvik had petitioned for a river to be created to allow for a quicker and safer journey from Maelis to Steephold. The King had said no to this proposal, as it would have taken a lot of manpower away from the fae war. As the leading member of the counsel, however, Halvik was free to complete his mission. He has the King' Guard carve through the Banlin forest, creating what is now the Maelis forest and the Halvik river. The introduction of water also allowed farms to thrive along its banks, leading to the creation of bank farms.   Also made anew, was the Brothers Of Streinthrar although, of course, anyone asked would deny it existed. Unbeknown to the other counsel members, Halvik was using his power to find a way to enact revenge for his wife's death in 3614. His son, Hunfray, was without a mother, and he had lost the love of his life. Convinced that the elven healers of Banlin forest had refused to help (even though it was actually a Maelis law that no magick could be used within its walls), he waged war on them, leaving no elf alive. He would have continued on this warpath if it weren't for his death in 3630. Before he died though, he made sure that Hunfray was a member of the Brotherhood as well as painfully aware of all of his plans, specifically for the eradication of all fae creatures.   He also introduced the use of Darkyn Runes into the Brotherhood, dabbling in a lot of things he shouldn't have. A scholar at heart, Halvik realised that even Humans can access the pure natural energy that magick requires and the runes allowed him to do this. Not only are the runes a forbidden and dangerous form of magick, but what he used them for was unforgivable.    


Eyes: Brown
Face: Squared, defined jawline
Hair: Brown and long, sometimes with a small braid around the back of his head
Height: 6'1" broad shoulders, fairly muscular
Other: Had a beard later in life, something that King Garund wouldn't allow as it was "for commoners"


Although deceased 22 years ago, Halvik still holds a great presence in the underbelly of Maelis, as well as a firm grip on his son's mind. Both have been tainted towards a strong hatred for fae folk. The Brothers Of Streinthrar actively change the political landscape to allow for illegal happenings against the fae to go unnoticed. Hunfray has even turned his back on the man he loves in order to control the King's Guard in a way that now threatens The Vulmari and their very existence.
Year Of Birth
3577 - 3630, 53 years old  
Hunfray Reybon - son
Beiric Reybon - son-in-law
Kadla Svandor [deceased] - wife

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