Greedpeaks History Timeline
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The history of Greedpeaks.

  • 0 BH


    History BH
    Era beginning/end

    A record of the realm's rulers and their reigns before the summit of the 7 Houses.

  • 0 BH

    1 Forlorn

    The Formation of the 7 Houses
    Era beginning/end

    A new calendar, starting with Year 0, commenced after 257 years of recorded history.   Time before Year 0 is now referred to as BH. BH ran from 932-1189 until a diplomatic summit was held and 7 Houses were elected and decided to portion up the realm into 7 autonomous regions.

  • 217 Year

    26 Wisp
    300 Year

    4 Tinder

    Treaty of Rockchester
    Financial Event
  • 223 Year

    22 Forlorn
    223 Year

    23 Forlorn

    The Battle of Redroad
    Military action

    A bloody battle fought on the road of Redroad the famous road between Fauxville and Clifford Bay, between House Grattanion and House Spikewren.

  • 225 Year

    25 Blackening
    225 Year

    9 Moonpeak

    The Atrocity of the Yellow Sept
    Military action

    The systematic annihilation of a religious settlement in Arrondon territory, by House Bannerreach and House Sturm.

  • 225 Year

    11 Lament
    300 Year

    1 Tinder

    The Peace of 225
    Diplomatic action

    A turning point in the history of Greedpeaks. Following the ceasefire immediately after the Atrocity of the Yellow Sept, the 7 Houses were summoned and urged to find a resolution to their conflicts.   It is rumoured that Gretchen Borefear, who went missing following the ceasefire, gave herself as a blood sacrifice to the gods and witches to end the conflict.

  • 300 Year

    2 Tinder
    300 Year

    2 Tinder

    Murder of the Mediator of the Realm
    Life, Death

    On the 2nd of Tinder, the body of the Mediator of the Realm was found mutilated and defiled in her small cave in Myst.

  • 300 Year

    4 Tinder

    Civil War of Greedpeaks
    Military action

    The declaration and outbreak of the ongoing civil war in Greedpeaks.

  • 307 Year

    15 Pickfield

    Siege of Cromme
    Military action

    The Siege of Cromme is an attack on the capital city of House Borefear, Cromme. It is currently ongoing and has been underway for 35 days.

    More reading
    Territories of House Borefear