Greedpeaks The Atrocity of the Yellow Sept
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The Atrocity of the Yellow Sept

Military action


The systematic annihilation of a religious settlement in Arrondon territory, by House Bannerreach and House Sturm.

In 225, The Yellow Sept was a quiet and humble settlement in the very north of Arrondon territories. It was a coastal town, famous for its impressive religious buildings. The Yellow Sept was a popular destination for many religious people travelling from all over Greedpeaks; it hosted huge feasts and events featuring actors, musicians, travelling circuses and religious ceremonies. People from every region of Greedpeaks were aware of The Yellow Sept, and its status as one of the oldest settlements in the realm.   However, when it was not worship or holiday season, The Yellow Sept was a private and chaste settlement. It featured many apothecaries, nursuries and places of education for children. Children were sent here from all over Arrondon territory to be educated or to become a religous servant.   In the dead of night on the 25th of Blackening, vessels from House Bannerreach and House Sturm, approached the silent town from the North. Those onboard crept ashore after stowing their boats away in a nearby cove and hid themselves in the underground passageways of the large cathedral. On the morning of the 26th, the children, acolytes, priests, and townsfolk filled the cathedral for their daily worship. The soldiers of House Bannerreach and House Sturm bolted the doors from the outside and set fire to the cathedral.   Because of its religious status, there were cathedral records of names and occupations stored in a nearby library. It was confirmed that over 400 attendees perished in the fire that morning. The remaining 250 townsfolk who were not attending the worship for whatever reason, were rounded up and locked in the town hall, under the eye of soldiers from House Bannerreach and House Sturm.   The Yellow Sept was a self-sufficient settlement, and the next big regional event was not to be held until the 29th of Lament, so the town lay dormant until the 9th of Lament. On the 9th of Lament, five Arrondon knights rode into the town on that day looking to replenish their stores and rest their horses before setting off on a diplomatic mission in Grattanion territory. The most senior of the knights, Ser John de Puce, ordered the youngest, Ser Roland Regis, to ride for Hilldown, the closest major town to The Yellow Sept for reinforcements and aid. The other four knights donned their weaponry and entered the town.   There is no record of what happened in The Yellow Sept after that until Ser Roland returned with over 100 hastily armed Arrondon soldiers from Hilldown. During the search of the town, the burnt shell of the cathedral remained with hundreds of incinerated corpses piled up at the door. Ser Roland recognised the Arrondon banners in a nearby apothecary and found the four corpses of his fellow knights strewn in a corner of the building. Around the four knights were the bodies of 18 soldiers bearing the sigils of House Bannerreach and House Sturm.   Further inspection of the town and its buildings revealed that all of the townsfolk had been slain, women were found naked, and only a few children that had been hiding in the cellar of a bakery were found alive, mute and paralyzed with fear.  

The Five

  • Ser John de Puce
  • Ser Gregor Hasmatt
  • Ser Stibor Donard
  • Ser John Edmundsson
  • Ser Roland Regis

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