
One of the major power blocks on the Alkebite continent, Paksali has found itself in a rather fortuitous position.   Situated in just the right spot between many valuable ancient ruins (mostly partially intact cities, but many labs and military bases as well) to give it ease of access, as well as to make it a vital trade stop for anyone coming in or out of the continent.   Their economic power is incredible, affording them the other things that they need to survive as a group. An impressive defense force, augmented by mercenaries from all over, for the protection of Paksali and its interests. Where its own industrial capacity might be lacking, it can hire out foreign factories pretty much wholesale to produce what they need.   Not to mention the Old World technologies that practically fall into Paksali's lap. There's no reason to think that they send the best to the auction house. Simply the things that they don't feel they want, make it there.   It should be noted that the surrounding region has become increasingly unstable in the past year alone. The many archeo-sites around the city are a prize impossible to ignore and so mercenaries, raiders, privateers, and Aces have come pouring in. They conflict with Paksali security forces, but more importantly, they conflict with themselves.   Their skirmishes and wars put a strain on the import and export from the area, slowing everything down to a crawl and further frustrating outside powers. If the situation continues to deteriorate, Paksali might find itself in a difficult position as outside powers attempt to assert themselves more solidly in the area.   The models of M's present in Paksali territories tend to be exploratory in nature. Capable of great verticality, through climbing or other means of movement like flight, or simply of traveling long distances with minimal supply.

The Brightest Diamonds in the Roughest Places

Geopolitical, City-state
Controlled Territories

Cover image: by Alegria,


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