Auto-Shire Species in Graves of the Departed Empire | World Anvil


A model of synthetic horse, the auto-shire, or even further down the path of colloquialism known simply as a Shire, is probably the first model of synthetic (besides other M’s) that newly awakened human Machine-Minds will see.   Big, synth-muscle bound, and powerful, they are huge creatures. Much larger than their organic counterparts, by a large margin. Used to plow fields and help construct buildings in the lower levels of cities and especially out in the wilds.   Their ability to pull and support heavy loads are also used by traders that travel the wilds and frontiers, plus their ability to defend themselves should it come down to it, with their legs strong enough to crack ceracrete with relatively little effort.   They’re also a common companion of Aces who regularly make trips out to the wilds or between settlements for the same reasons.   The creatures themselves carry the trademark signs of most synthetic life forms, jointed limbs, corded muscle, and the telltale lights twinkling on the dermis, determining the operational status of the functions they respectively monitor.    The tips of the main and the tail also often have a set of ambient lights that can be one of many colors or even a mix, though those are largely cosmetic between breeds.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Much like other forms of synthetic life, reproduction is similar to their organic counter parts, with similar gestation times.   Should a owner wish to restrict reproduction with a simple change of settings , or turn it off completely, though this isn’t recommended to maintain

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Not the most perceptive of models, the Shire relies on eyesight for the most part. A handler will generally have to speak forcefully to be heard through voice alone, making touch commands a much more reliable and accurate method of control if you do not have a cranial input.

Cover image: by Alegria,


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