Bloregothe Character in Gothenya | World Anvil
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Boatswain Bloregothe (a.k.a. "Four Eyes")

"The rough beast from your very nightmares... The lumbering behemoth coming right at you... Worry not, friend. As long as you mean no harm, neither does he..."   The creature known as Bloregothe is an umber hulk, genetically engineered for greater intelligence... and obedience.   Bloregothe has no memory of his home, or of his distant past. Up until recently, he was but a slave, held captive by a malicious race of intergalactic scavengers called the neogi. The neogi cultivate particular races as ideal slave labor. Their own form is small and bloated, making the umber hulk perfect for carrying them around and acting as their "muscle."   In a pack of umber hulks serving aboard a neogi "Mindspider" (their ship of choice to traverse the planes and universe), one is chosen to be "gifted" with greater intelligence through magic and chemistry. The idea being that these "leaders" keep the others more in line. Bloregothe was the leader of his pack. He is uncertain if he was caught in the wild or born into captivity. In fact, he has no memories prior to the experiment that bettered his intellect.   His ship traveled from world to world, seeking prey as both food stock and slave labor. Bloregothe's masters were vicious marauders who forced him to subdue targets on a seemingly endless number of planets.   Eventually, the neogi made it to Gothenya. Here they set about acquiring soldiers in the form of the great Minotaurs of Theiros (and even the north).   Once again, Bloregothe was tasked with subduing their prey. But instead of grabbing the minotaurs from land, the neogi made a run on an ocean going ship crewed by the bull-men. The minotaurs didn't give up without a fight, and the Mindspider was damaged in the strafing attack. However, many minotaurs were captured, the leader of which wasn't a minotaur at all, but rather a Fortreal. It was Altious Khaza Eeris, and his men were the former crew of the "Cannon Fodder."   The minotaurs and Altious were kept in pens directly across from the umber hulk cages. And it was while in this close proximity that Altious began a curious study of the umber hulk he'd later name Bloregothe. While in captivity, none of the hulk had names, only numbers. Bloregothe was "Number One," much like Altious was, when he was a slave of the gladiatorial pits, many years past.   Eventually, Altious staged a dangerous and violent escape, one that involved freeing the umber hulks as a diversion. Unfortunately most of the hulks perished in the proceedings, and the Mindspider itself was crippled. As the giant flying vessel crashed back to the waters below, most aboard were killed. Yet Altious and three of his minotaur crew survived. They took, along with them, the few captives who had survived the crash.   Those few who escaped from the sinking vessel included Altious and his men, and the Vess'ka known as Kreet (a slave originally taken from the outer planes). Yet as they made their way out of the wreckage, Altious saw that the umber hulk he'd been so preoccupied with had also survived. But the hulk was trapped, pinned beneath a wooden beam.   Altious and his men decided to help the creature, and they all pitched in to lift the beam from Bloregothe. The creature managed to escape with them. Shortly after, they managed to find land.   The survivors, either outcasts or aliens in a strange land, decided to stick together, including Bloregothe. In fact, the beast would've been quite hard to get rid of anyway, as he instantly bonded with Altious, to whom he decided he owed his life. Not wanting to call the creature by a number any longer, Altious gave the hulk the name of a mighty warrior that he'd admired from the fighting pits. And Bloregothe was "born." It seemed a fitting tribute.   After several adventures, the bizarre crew ended up landing a job for the criminal organization called The Chuul. They were to man the ship known as "The Chop," under the command of one Dreeva Vaeless. The job went poorly, as it was in fact a set up meant to rid the Chuul of both Altious and Dreeva (both of whom had become "liabilities" to the organization). However, Dreeva and the crew managed to turn things around, escaping the Chuul along with their new ship, which they renamed "The Doubtful."   Today, Bloregothe still serves under his new captain, Dreeva, serving as the (most valuable) boatswain to "The Doubtful." He's also not bad in a scrap.      

Mental characteristics


Boatswain aboard The Doubtful.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Bloregothe is a self taught carpenter and armchair architect (something that he has a strong affinity for). He's always coming up with "improvement projects" for The Doubtful. Sometimes they even work.

Mental Trauma

Spent his formative years as a slave to the heartless Neogi. Thus he never really had a family. The crew of The Doubtful is his chosen family, and anyone Dreeva trusts, Bloregothe trusts as well.
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
Born to a large clutch and captured by the Neogi shortly after his birth.
Silver and Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Grey Green
8'2" (yet he's normall hunched to about 7'5")
900 lbs.
Known Languages
Understands Common, Elvish, Outercommon, Thieves' Cant and Infernal. Reads Common and Outercommon. Speaks Umber Hulk.

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