Arch Pontiff Berlane Emerol Character in Gothenya | World Anvil
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Arch Pontiff Berlane Emerol

Arch Pontiff Berlane Emerol

The head of the Faith Zenithal and the Church of Yareuss, Arch Pontiff Emerol is the youngest man to ever hold his position, at the tender age of 38.   Berlane deposed the former Arch Pontiff, an act never before committed, after it was discovered that the former Pontiff was not "favored by the gods" or "blessed" with "visions and visitations" heralding their return to the world of men.   The gods are just beginning to “come back” to the waking world. In that they are manifesting as dreams to particular members of the faith. The Arch Pontiff of the Church of Zenithal was deposed because he was not granted these dreams, and was caught faking them. Public outcry was en masse, and it was only through Emerol's mercy that his predecessor managed to keep his head.   The Pontiff has his Pontifex. A council of six religious leaders, none of whom have actually had visions of the Zenithal, but who are devoutly loyal to the Pontiff. It is said that at least one amongst their numbers, Chora Bluun, is a blood mage who never left Hariel Majour.  

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Of course, Berlane Emerol is not the Pontiff's true name. And his origin is not quite as he states.   He was originally “Joth of Cantofarm.” He has killed all those who knew of his origin, including his parents. Cantofarm, it seems, is no more.   In his youth, Joth (having been plagued with visitations from the "dead" outer being Faldrighel) joined up with an ambitious bandit lord, on the advice of Faldrighel. He used the bandits to reap the lands around him, while he cultivated his “gifts” and “miracles.”    His cover story is that he was a missionary sent to inform the peasants of the coming of the Zenithal. And that where he walked, his enemies followed. Finally, when the bandit king and his men entered Jomor at Berlane’s invitation, he staged a “great play” in capturing and atoning the bandits for their crimes. The last of those who knew of his origins died with the bandit king and his men.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Arch Pontiff Berlane Emerol seeks to reclaim power in Wyeth, and as such may perhaps back the claim of the usurper queen, Essendra Halbion. How he reconciles her devotion to Faldrighel is not certain (at least to the public). In reality, Berlane is not receiving “visions and visitations” from the Zenithal, but rather Faldrighel itself.   Faldrighel is an outer being, which gains in power much as the “gods.” It followed Celene to Gothenya, but was destroyed prior to the crash (and is possibly the cause of the crash). Thought dead, it need be destroyed in its entirety. The God Skull floats in orbit around our world. It is thought to be a moon, but is in actuality much closer and is the “god head.” The Boorka astronomers have figured this out.
  Chora Bluun
Current Location
Year of Birth
1404 A.W. 38 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
A missionary who came from nothing to spread the word of the Return.
Deep Blue
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
165 lbs

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