Session 23: The Fleece Job Report in Godhunters | World Anvil
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Session 23: The Fleece Job

General Summary

The party went to the Temple of Hera, bringing their prisoner Helios along to use as a bargaining chip with the goddess. The temple was old—well-maintained, but the style of the pillars, the pediment, every element of the architecture and stonework indicated that it was much, much older than the buildings around it. Incense and other libations were placed around a large statue of Hera in the center of the temple, similar to Jason's statue—a tall, imperious woman with sharp eyes and cheekbones, with a cloth draped over her head, pinned in place by a crown.   Their first attempt at talking to a priestess ended with her screaming in terror at the sight of Helios, Kallos, and Aegis. Amara stepped in and explained the situation, and together with the rest of the priestesses, the party prayed to Hera. A woman walked into the temple, her face covered with a veil. Her arms were white, almost like marble, and the party soon realized that this was the goddess herself.   After some bickering with Helios, Hera gave them a golden apple inscribed “for the fairest,” to Aegis’ confusion and dismay. However, there was no trace of chaos magic in the apple, just the spell Enthrall; it was magical bait for trapping Aphrodite.   Hera also said,  
“I know you’re the ones the Fates are trying to pull at to fight against my husband. I can’t help you there; I’m his wife, I’m the goddess of marriage. Also, the last time I tried, it did not end well. So, how about this: you hand over Helios, and I will say nothing about this, and we will go on with our lives, and you will rescue Jason, and he will dedicate the golden fleece to me and my temple, and then we all forget about each other.”
Aegis asked her why she wanted the golden fleece. Hera explained that it granted prosperity and safety to whoever possessed it. “It’s a valuable asset for anyone to have.”   The party made Helios promise not to try to harm them again, then made the trade. Once unchained, the Titan dissolved into sunlight. Callidora realized that Hera hadn’t promised not to give the fleece to Zeus, but the deal went through anyway.  
“I will be stepping in and out,” said Hera. “I can’t stay for very long periods of time or Zeus might get suspicious. But I will be with you in the battle, if there is to be a battle, and I will be there at the end for you to give the golden fleece to me. Immediately after. Immediately.”
After some infighting about the terms of the deal (not helped by the angry influence of the apple in Aegis’ stomach), Kallos and Aegis burst down the door to the palace. Amara used Invisibility on herself and sneaks by while Kallos and Aegis distract the guards. Aegis claimed to be dating Jason, which upset Kallos.   Meredythe used Minor Illusion to conjure the sound of cannon fire. The guards, never having heard this sound before, were terrified and raced upstairs to defend their queen. Medea briefly poked her head out of her room to dismiss the guards, revealing her location.   Amara threw a knife clattering down the hall to distract the guards, then put the golden apple on the ground and knocked on the door. Medea was thoroughly enthralled, allowing Amara to sneak past.   Meanwhile, the guards found the rest of the party and accused them of breaking into the palace, but Callidora persuaded them that they simply ran in after hearing the strange sound. Callidora then joined Amara, casting Pass Without Trace, and they both noticed a door left ajar. It led to the room where Jason was being held—disoriented, naked, and very confused. Amara unsummoned Dóro and Polymorphed Jason into an octopus.   Meredythe tried to sneak past Medea but jostled her, breaking her line of sight on the apple and thus freeing her from its thrall. Aphrodite used the opportunity to leave Medea’s body, but as soon as she physically manifested, Kallos slammed the shackles on the goddess.   Amara and Callidora found a secret door that led to the golden fleece, guarded by the baby dragons Flappy and Scuttle. Callidora retrieved the fleece.   Aphrodite cast Mass Suggestion on the party to make them free her. Aegis succumbed and grappled with Kallos, who just barely managed to restrain her. Meredythe gagged Aphrodite, but she used Message to insult them.   Hera appeared. She snapped her fingers, and the golden apple came flying into her hand. She grinned at Aphrodite and said, “Guess I’m the fairest after all.” She then turned to Callidora, who was hiding the fleece behind her back, and demanded they fulfill their half of the bargain. Amara restored Jason to his original form, and upon seeing his patron goddess, joyously handed her the golden fleece himself.   Hera took the fleece, wrapping it around her shoulders like a stole. She smiled, touched Jason’s cheek, and told him he had done well. She offered to instantly transport him home, but he simply asked for a boat for himself and his crew. He and Medea left things up in the air, as his priority now was to reunite with his ailing father.  
“Thank you, Jason,” Hera said. “You have given Olympus a great asset.”
  She gave Aphrodite one last smug look, told Kallos to “have some fun with her,” and left.   Aphrodite, however, was making maneuvers of her own. She Messaged Aegis, who was still under her earlier suggestion spell:  
“Don’t you think it’s about time you told her that she’s your girlfriend?”

Missions/Quests Completed

Jason's Glorious Quest

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
31 Dec 2019


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