Goblin Species in Glüm | World Anvil


Goblins are a species native to Harmony with incredibly short lives, yet very hardy bodies due to a more cartilaginious bone structure, compared with other mortal species. Infact, some Goblins lack solid bones all together. Goblins are very widespread across Glüm, though they face significant prejudice within the Vekhen Empire due to the prevailing opinion on them from their Hobgoblin cousins, originally hailing from Sustain. Goblins are also related to Gremlins, hailing from Refrain.

Notable Goblins

Basic Information


Goblins are monomorphic marsupials, having no outward physiological differences between sexes, meaning both males and females have front pouches with mammary glands. Further, Goblins are capable of bidirectional sex change during warm months which takes approximately three weeks to return to sexual maturity.

Genetics and Reproduction

Goblin pregnancies last for three months, at which time they give birth to cluthes of up to two dozen baby Goblins — known as Goblings — which crawl into one of their parents' pouches. Goblings remain in this pouch for another three months, at which point they are capable of free independant movement, limited speech and co-ordination, and digesting solid foods.

Growth Rate & Stages

The average lifespan of a Goblin is 18 years, with Goblins reaching maturity at 4 years old, and tipping over "middle age" at 11.
Note: we do not hold the rights to this image, and it is a proxy stand-in, subject to change in the near future.
Genetic Descendants
18 years
Average Height
~1.3m (4'3")
Average Weight
~15kg (33lbs)
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations

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