Goblin Species in Ghemjana | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Goblins are a humanoid race of creatures, usually very short in stature, though with large facial features and high amounts of dexterity and nimble movement. The head is often very broad with a sloped brow, wide mouth full of sharp teeth, and long pointed ears.

Genetics and Reproduction

Goblins have an incredibly high birthrate compared to many races, though they also have one of the highest infant mortality rates.  A goblin female will often give birth to twins at a time, though only one will survive past the first few months due to poor nutritional or hygienic conditions.

Growth Rate & Stages

Goblins mature at a quick rate, reaching full adulthood by 12 to 13 years,  and typically live to about 25 years. However, it has been shown that a goblin can live well in excess of 70 years, given a proper diet and lack of hostility on their person.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Goblins are technically omnivores, though their diet is often one of anything and everything. Often compared to scavengers, goblins ability to digest rotten or dirty sustenance is often seen as filthy, though it also likely contributed to their ability to adapt to any environment they find themselves in.  Goblin society tends to favor meat in their diet, and often roasted over fires, though this seems to only be a preference, as hapless victims of a particularly hungry tribe may find themselves being devoured alive.


Goblins tend to be extremely short tempered and sly creatures, relying on deception, greed and ruthlessness to survive in a harsh and competitive environment.  They tend to be cowardly in the face of danger, and will bully those they think are weaker than themselves. They tend to favor ambushes and guerilla style fighting rather than a straight battle, and can be pressured to switch sides in a conflict if they're convinced one side is hopelessly outnumbered. While some might consider this cowardly, goblins tend to view this as pragmatic to their survival. They aren't particularly loyal to a cause or relationship outside of their tribe, but can also see the benefits of cooperation with other races or species as a means of survival. In fact, goblins can be model citizens in a town or city of they find that fellowship aids their chances of survival over isolation or barbarism.  This ruthless pragmatism lends itself to such cutthroat businesses such as assassin guilds, merchant businesses or legal professions.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They are very tribalistic by nature, organizing into small groups with the strongest or smartest leading them. The social hierarchy is enforced by brutal means and bullying, with the weakest members often doing the most dangerous tasks and given the least amount of food.  However, goblins outside of these tribal societies often bond extremely well with small groups, families or guilds, and can be very protective of their chosen family or people and a great asset to adventuring parties, Craftsmen Guilds, or roles that require clever solutions and an attention to small details.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Goblins can be found all over Ghemjana, from the coldest mountain ranges, to the hottest deserts, to the densest cities and the loneliest caves underground.  It is said that if life can be supported in an area, a goblin likely is already there; and if it cannot support life, a goblin will soon be there figuring out a way.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Goblins have excellent dark vision, and are adapted to very low light conditions, though their sense of smell is poorer than most underground dwelling creatures.  While some goblins can be gifted with magical talents, it's very rare and more generally granted by either a god or an exceptionally bright goblin that studied magical tinkering.  Goblins might have average or below average intelligence on average, though this is surmised to be a product of culture rather than inherent ability, as goblins tend to be quite quick of thinking and can have clever, even ingenious methods of survival and trap making.

Civilization and Culture


Goblins just sort of appeared in Ghemjana, though no one seems to know when exactly they first arrived there, as they were not endemic to the world.  They quickly spread to every continent and patch of habitable land they could find, only to be driven off or out just as quickly.

Common Myths and Legends

Goblins are a very superstitious race, and are constantly in fear of angering their gods. Sometimes, a goblin will transform into a Nilbog, a manifestation of their gods malicious and mischievous personality. It is considered a curse to have a nilbog be created into the tribe, as anything they do is directly from their gods and the creature must be allowed to do whatever it is they wish.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

While theorized that goblins can breed with other humanoid like races, most wouldn't consider attempting such a thing with a race previously considered to be little more than a vicious animal.
Genetic Descendants
25 years
Average Height
3'4" to 3'8"
Average Weight
50 to 60 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Goblins come in a variety of shades of skin coloring, from pale yellow to light green, though rarer versions of gray, brown or even reddish hues are possible.  They tend to have very little body hair save for a small patch on the very tops of their head, being either dark brown or black in color and extremely wirey and coarse.


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