GenIsys Fantasy in GenIsys Games | World Anvil

GenIsys Fantasy

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Step into a world where your fate is determined by your actions and the rewards you. In this immersive game experience, players are challenged to pursue their desires, whether it be fame, glory, treasure, or personal growth. Every character has a unique path to follow, and every decision carries weight.

Experience the thrill of earning rewards through various means, from Action Die Awards for exceptional feats to gaining Character Points by pursuing personal goals. Delve into the intricate web of Reputation, where fame and infamy shape your character's journey and interactions with the world.

Unlock the currency of networking with Glory, where deeds of valor and noteworthy accomplishments pave the way to new opportunities and access to powerful resources. Gain insight into the intricate web of favors, medals, and alliances that can elevate your character to new heights or lead them down a darker path.

Discover the allure of magical items and how they can shape the course of your adventures, from charms with temporary powers to potent artifacts that hold the key to unlocking your character's true potential. Navigate the complex dynamics of loyalty and betrayal as you form alliances, connect with powerful nobles, and shape the world around you.

Embrace the core Fantasy RPG book as your guide to a world filled with intrigue, adventure, and endless possibilities. Are you ready to embark on a journey where the choices you make define your destiny? The power lies in your hands.

For now you can use all d20 OGL monsters with GenIsys RPG (This saves GMs a ton of money). In the future it is my intent to release creatures for free on my campagin site. World of Aviron

You can use any 3.5 d20 OGL monster with a simple AC conversion everything else will works just fine. If the AC has natural armor in its bonuses, remove it and halve that number (rounding up) and use that as DR. all other bonuses still apply as normal and become the creatures defense. Below are 3 examples.

From D&D 3.5

  • Our Skeleton has a 13 AC, DR 1: Their Entry: (+1 Dex, 2 Natural, +2 Heavy Shield), This becomes Defense 13 with 1 DR.
  • Our Shadow AC 13: Their Entry: (+2 Dex, +1 Deflection) Nothing here changes since there is no natural armor.
  • From Paizo

  • Our Froghemoth AC 7, DR 9: Their Entry: (-4 (size), +1 (dex), +18 (natural)) Easy to hit hard to damage.
  • Our Monsters

  • We are building our DB of Monsters in the campaign world.
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