Winedark, Chapter Thirty-Six Report in Gavros | World Anvil
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Winedark, Chapter Thirty-Six

General Summary

Wherein our heroes attend a war council, assemble the Instrument, and clarify allegiances  

Reporting In

The Vastblasters, loaded with intelligence about Vo'ku'a the Many-Fingered, Who Will Eat the World, &tc, found Awa Harbor to be bustling with activity as they docked their vessel. Many other ships are in the harbor, and those ships appeared to be loading for war. Their arrival, was, of course, anticipated and several runners could be seen taking off for parts within the city as they made fast their ship.   Before long, Loshi Saltbloom herself came to welcome them back to the capital of the Isles and to ask them to share what they've learned at a council of war. They did so, and witnessed some unfortunate political infighting. It seems that Waterspeakers Verkuth Darrik and Sharmo are intent to sow discord among the Sybil's plans no matter the cost. Luckily, she was prepared for this and Speaker Six Bottle offered a rarely invoked clause in the doctrine of the Drembari Isles--the Sybil can take full power in times of war. So, this really wasn't a debate so much as an announcement--the Isles are going to war against Vo'ku'a, heading in force to Kogo's Gauntlet, and the Blasters will wield Instrument to decide the fate of the Bari people.   No pressure.  

Instrument Congregates

Before Instrument can be wielded, however, it must be assembled. For that, the Blasters headed down to a sub-sub-basement in the Gathering Hall. There, they found Marvon Mosswater, scholar and former member of the VastBlaster crew, and all the pieces of Instrument. Marvon explained that he and Skirl, who has all the makings of a scholar, have been loath to touch Instrument ever since it melted Marvon's hand clean to the bone. He then revealed his skeleton hand. Apparently, it didn't hurt much, just kind of tingled. Regardless, not what you want to have happen.   So, it was left to the Blasters to assemble this mighty weapon:
  • Captain Pitch grabbed Instrument's line--which was retrieved from hags in a cave on the river Nemmik and was greeted with visions of connectivity and kinetic energy, witnessing the Isles reverberating as an ecosystem, each incremental change having drastic effect over the entirety of Gavros.
  • Water grabbed the mainshaft--which was retrieved by Bantaj and Orntime, rather effortlessly--and saw images of suffering and cycles, coming to the conclusion that if something cannot end, then it must cease for the moment. And to do that, the agent of cessation must be in that moment.
  • Irk laid hands on the barb--offered as a reward from Vandrizoth the Slagkeeper for cleansing Rosepua from Avararos the Magma’s cult--and was buffeted by images of sharpness and heat, manifesting as internal pain and anguish, a kind of underwater chaos resolved by the divine will of attendant fire.
  • Kharlo picked up the endpiece--acquired through a complicated maneuver to access Hold 77C aboard the Seven Rows--and saw violence and finality, the breaking of cycles. Countless killing blows and the death of countless heroes, all in a singular moment.
  • Kasula picked up the binding--the shroud offered to the worthy by Kotiki the Custodian of the Temple of the Moment--and bore witness to images of comfort and images of smothering. She saw flashes of memory in which this artifact is doing its best, but still requires a community to assist in its endeavors, to be wrapped up in its mission, to be connected with it

The ritual required one more piece of Instrument. Luckily, Skirl was there to attend to that. He grasped the foreshaft--salvaged from the ruins of the Half-Drunk Flagon--and was rewarded with a eye turned completely black, with resultant black tears, for his efforts. His visions were not shared with the rest of the group, but he appeared shaken, but resolute.

With the pieces of Instrument now wedded together, the question became who would wield this formidable tool? A discussion centered on three parties: Captain Pitch, Irk (who always wished to be a harpooner) and Kharlo Chondricht, who carried much of Instrument's burden to this place. Pitch was ruled out because the shared visions determined that the role of the Finder (those who wore the Battle Mask) was different than that of the Resolver (who wields Instrument). As Pitch will be Finder, it will have to be another Resolver.

Irk, as a dutiful cleric, prayed on it. His prayers indicated that Kharlo should continue his custody of Instrument. In fact, before Kharlo could make that decision himself, Instrument leapt into his hands. In this manner, the issue was decided. Pitch will be Finder. Kharlo will be Resolver. But all the Blasters will be fighters.  

A Question of Allegiance Answered

But, there are other matters of attend to before the Battle for the Isles can commence. Matters of a personal nature. Matters of the Ghosthair. The estimable Wilreth Elvalor has tasked Pitch--whom they call Envoy--to steal Instrument as they wish it to be a piece of political leverage. Pitch is prepared to deliver this calamitous armament into their presence.

But not the way that Wilreth thinks. Pitch, accompanied by the Blasters, makes their allegiance known. In an eloquent speech, they indicated that they are for people fighting for their survival, for their existence, against impossible odds. They are for the those who have taken risks--and lost their lives--to preserve the lives of others. They are for the Isles, and not the Ascendency.

Also, a not insignificant factor is that they are for a people that didn't consign a valued member of their community to a underwater grave for several decades.

Wilreth indicated displeasure with this decision by invoking a prayer to Sovereign and becoming a hideous Miracle of Sovereign to take Instrument by force. It was clear, though, that Wilreth didn't know who they were messing with, as the Blasters took the fight right to this so-called Miracle and ended the life of the smirking Ghosthair.

In that struggle, a new life found its way into this world. Karl, spawn of Irk, emerged from its egg, to the elation and confusions of various Blasters.

Way to pick a moment, Karl.

And That's Where We Left It

This particular story will conclude with the Blasters' next session  

Various & Sundry Details

  • Water, ever the messenger of conciliation, decided to delivery cookies to both Sharmo and Verkuth Darrik in the spirit of camaraderie and fellowship. This had mixed results.
  • Also, Twinstar looked into the Pink Sheep people--Osorin and Horncook--for Water. Turns out they are on the up and up. What could this mean for Water's future, assuming they have one?
  • Kharlo, pensive with Instrument, encountered a horrible entity while out for a walk. A sort of grim reaper appeared to manifest out of shadow and darkness. No worries, though, Kharlo. It isn't here for you. Not just yet. This had an edifying effect on our Selachii

Character(s) interacted with

  • Loshi Saltbloom, Sea Sibyl of the Isles
  • The Waterspeakers of the Isles, especially Sharmo from Matahak and Verkuth Darrik from Luu 
  • Marvon Mosswater, scholar
  • Skirl the Worry, erstwhile scoundrel, budding scholar
  • Marrowdall Twinstar, fixer
  • Wilreth Elvalor, Ascendency "diplomat," member of The Decree 
Report Date
15 May 2022
Primary Location


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