Tóaníus Rank/Title in Gætíus' World | World Anvil
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Tóaníus (rexíska)

Tóaníus is the rexlas term for a ruler and high-priest of Resak, an empire in Laxilþía. It's used by Rexans and other ethnic groups of Resak, though the latter sometimes use their own terms for king or emperor as well in casual conversations. North Hótics in particular use tóaníus and mavax (king) interchangeably, much to the rexans' annoyance.
A rexan empress is referred to as tóanissa, a title also used for the two empress regents in Resak's history, namely Nonoxías Sú and Parúxías Tarþa.


Originally a tóaníus was chosen from among four candidates by a council of twelve elders, but as the title has since become hereditary, the council's power has dwindled to the point of being little more than advisors to the emperor. The elders are still present during the coronation rite, where their role is to present the prince with the twelve sacred symbols of his rank, such as the royal crown, face paint, scepter, cloak and sandals.

Notable Holders

* Úxakkus: First ruler of Resak.
* Haxus Þræus
* Þos Óttíanus Detax
* Þraloxíanus Háanus Akalax the Elder
* Haxus Núfa
* Valax
* Haxus Lolxus
* Þraloxíanus Háanus Akalax the Younger
Nobility, Hereditary
Length of Term
For life.
Current Holders
Related Organizations


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