Hahró Geographic Location in Gætíus' World | World Anvil
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The Hahró River1 is the main source of water in Zraxos Forest, home of the tribal Laxúlans in southeastern Laxilþía. Most of their settlements are located by or near the river, as not only does it provide them with water and fish, but makes travelling between villages easier.
Hahró River has a religious significance for those tribes as well, with rituals ranging from throwing jewelry and weapons into the river, to animal and even humans sacrifices, in hopes of ensuring such things as good fishing, successful journeys up and down the river and protecting the village from harm.


Hahró River originates in the easternmost Katark Mountains in the northwestern forest, whence it meanders south and finally drains into the Akral Sea.

1Original icelandic: Hahrófljót.
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