Asá Settlement in Gætíus' World | World Anvil
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Asá (ænatíska)

Asá [asau:] is the provincial capital of Gatalak, the southern part of the empire of Ænadó. It's the largest ænatean settlement up in the Talax Mountains, and an important market town for the region, where produce from surrounding villas and villages, mines and quarries are exchanged for such goods as dried fish, olive oil, glassware and fine cloth from the coastal cities.


Ænateans are a minority in the town, mostly involved in administration, trade with the natives or the town's defenses, while most of the inhabitants are Taxótans hailing from surrounding villages, who have more or less adopted ænatean culture.


Wealthy asáans live in mansions built in ænatean style, as is the main temple of the town, while most homes are variously built similarly to those on the lowlands, in local taxótan style or both. Most houses are decorated with traditional taxótan motifs, even the mansions.


Asá is located on the southern bank of the upper Júmsa River.
Inhabitant Demonym
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