Gates of eternity First Empire Collapsed

First Empire Collapsed

Military action

Circa 3502 ARE

Following the death of The Eldest at the hands of Kashya the Dragonslayer, the First Empire collapses.

First Empireseveraly underestimated the Darkness, which allowed it to score a series of military victories. When ancient dragons finally understood what they are facing, it was already too late.

  The Eldest decided to wage a future of the world in last, desperate bet. All surviving ancient dragons and all armies the remnants of First Empire could muster, met Kashya the Dragonslayerand her horde in the southern Karathia for final, apocalyptic battle.

  The end was nigh extinction of ancient dragons, death of majority of what was left of First Empire's armies... and mutual destruction of Eldest and Kashya the Dragonslayer. He drops from the skies in the eastern Karathia, his remnants transformed by his magic into Dragonbone Mountains. She is nearly annihilated, with the last part trapped by the surviving ancient dragons in what is today southern Itavia.

  Ancient dragons soon discover that they are no longer capable of siring offspring, due to Kashya last curse. Despite this, what remains of the First Empire is soon shattered by the civil wars due to lack of Eldest, whose power was the only thing that bound his descendants together.

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