Mandorian Titles in Gandrain | World Anvil
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Mandorian Titles

The Emperor (Alexis Alee Amor Mandor)
The Emperor more commonly referred to as simply the King since the four nations originally concurred have merged with each other. Is the highest ruling body in Mandor, the title is not gender specific and if a women took the throne she would be called Queen though in formal and when meeting with outsides the rulers of Mandor are often still called Emperors and Empresses.  Though not required to have the blood of house Mandor to rule the most notable exception in recent time being King Maxell this is not allowed for more than one ruler in a row meaning only King Maxell's children by a women of house Mandor could rule. 
Primis Regina (Kendra Kel Kora Oberie-Mandor)
Also known as the First Queen or just the Queen is a title bestowed upon not the first mate of the King but the first married. This title can also go to a male as the Primis Rex or more commonly called the Basileus.  The Primis line will include the mate and all their children by the King but not by others. Prima Raquel Ran Mandor, daughter of the King and Queen is part of this line. Prince Pillan, son of Queen Kendra and Ecorm Scion of Endor is not of the Primis line, all sons and daughters of Emperors' mates are given the generic tittles of Princes and Princesses, but without a line tittle they are not much better then Dukal lines just closer to the royal family in succession and relation. 
Sheny’a Malacha (Lillian Lov Lora Arsen)
Also called the Second Queen, a title given to the second to marry, though Queen Lillian was promised to King Alexis with a ceremony called Futuring before he married Queen Kendra but married her after making her the Second Queen.  Her line calls her daughters Vetzicha.
Disan Nuwang (Exatra Eve Elenor Sodnam)
Named Third Queen, though the first three queens are considered the most powerful lines there is no limited number and named lines can continue on however many are married. The line calls her children Wangzi, her only child by the king being Wangzi Zacobi Zam Mandor.
Gospazha (Zecor Zeb Zemor Rodnam)
The first Consort, his children would be called Naslednik
Alquarin (Magdalin Mab Mirora Oberie-Wolkvie Mandor)
The second Consort, her children are called Warith, such as her eldest Warith Castor Mandor
Dukal (Amora Am Allora)
All siblings to the Emperor become ducal when he ascends to the throne meaning their children become inline to inherit but they no longer are unless that Emperor is killed without heirs and they have none.  The children of these Dukal lines are called Earls, Marquis, or lords and ladies depending.  After passing from the direct dukal lines most line join House Rodnam which is widely considered the extended family house of Mandor and is known for marrying back into the Mandorian house when blood seems to be thinning. 


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