

  • Diane Morrison
  • Erin Righ
  • Jamie Field
  • Core Team

  • Diane Morrison (Sable Aradia Bunny Mom)
  • Erin McRoy (Erin Righ - Seneschal)
  • Mykola Smith (MykolaVoid)
  • Makenzie Turney (moonflower)
  • Organizers

  • Bob O'Brien (Good King Dinobob)
  • Jamie (JC Boom)
  • Tara Fae Belle (TaraFaeBelle Bat Queen)
  • K.S. Bishoff (Dazzlinkat, Raptor Captain)
  • Satrium (Satrium)
  • Eiliagh (eiliagh | egryph)
  • Lord Galakrond (Gala™- Not Dead Voider)
  • Moderators

  • Billy West (AttorraRu)
  • Nathalia Books (Purpleheart- Nathalia Books)
  • DMStretch (DMStretch)
  • Special Thanks To:

  • The #NaNoHouseCup by Elayna Mae
  • The Anvilite Streamers Corps
  • The Twitch Writers' Network

  • Cover image: Iron Tome by Misades


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