Wessex Settlement in Galfin | World Anvil


​Wessex is the bustling capital city of Rathven, known for its lucrative cobalt mine that draws in crowds of prospectors and traders. The city is divided by a grand manor bridge, which is a popular spot for locals and visitors alike. The bridge is often overcrowded with commuters, but the use of wherry boat cabs helps alleviate some of the congestion. The cobalt mine is the lifeblood of the city, fueling its economy and drawing in a diverse population of workers and merchants. The city is a hub of activity, with bustling markets, taverns, and shops lining the streets. Despite the hustle and bustle, Wessex is also known for its grand architecture and beautiful parks, making it a city of contrasts.     a dwarven mafia ring is established here​   Gricky competed with the rings of dwarven mafia that run the town.   Divided by a single manor bridge, wherry cabs help alleviate the overcrowded flow of commuters, fast to move up river than make it through busy streets  
Cobalt mine of Wessex
Large city
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