Unruled Frelheid Organization in Galfin | World Anvil

Unruled Frelheid

In the northern mountains of the Firefang Jags lies a defiant and fiercely independent community known as the Unruled Frelheid. This collection of Frelheid immigrants has made their home in the rugged terrain, embracing a culture rooted in anti-ruler sentiments and a steadfast belief in communal values. Their spirit of resistance runs deep, and they have become renowned for their unwavering determination to remain free from any form of governance.
  Throughout history, many nations have attempted to conquer the north mountains, recognizing the strategic importance of the region. However, time and again, these forces have been met with fierce opposition from the Unruled Frelheid. When faced with an invading force, the Frelheid retreat to their mountain caves, employing guerrilla warfare tactics to deter their adversaries and protect their way of life.
  In the year 4E, 545, the Vul'Adnian Magistrate, a powerful magocratic government, expanded its dominion into the province of Orkney, where the Frelheid resided. Led by Gilberd Oakhand, known as the Jaggedking of the Mountains, the Frelheid valiantly resisted the encroachment. However, despite their tenacity, the organized might of the Vuul, the people of the Vul'Adnian Magistrate, proved overwhelming, and the settlements of the Frelheid fell. Aslan Karganov led the Frelds to battle and assisted them in their retreat into the mountains.
  Forced to flee into the mountains and go into hiding, the Unruled Frelheid continued their resistance. Despite their lack of organization, their intimate knowledge of the cave systems and their mastery of ragtag warfare tactics allowed them to draw out the war for three long years. However, their valiant struggle came to an end when Yssac Oakhand, the son of the Jaggedking, emerged with formidable military tactics and war magic, crushing the final resistance of the Frelheid.
  Though the pseudo-nation that the Frelheid once held was lost, the Vuul continued their expansion and eventually found themselves embroiled in a conflict with the other five royal houses of the mainland continent. In the twilight of this world-spanning war, the Frelheid resurged, determined to reclaim their ancestral lands and drive out the Vuul invaders. Their resolute resistance disrupted the Vuul's secure footing within the mountains, providing a crucial advantage to the Skytracer Family in their eventual victory.
  Recognizing the instrumental role played by the Frelheid, the first Highqueen Ella Skytracer acknowledged their right to live unruled within her unified Joint Armistice Lands. Despite residing within her domain, the Frelheid are not bound by allegiance to the Highqueen, ensuring their continued autonomy and independence.
  The story of the Unruled Frelheid is one of indomitable spirit, tenacious resistance, and a refusal to yield to the pressures of external rule. Though they may have lost their once-claimed territory, their legacy endures as a symbol of freedom and the enduring fight against oppression.
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members