Tykren Blackcherry Character in Galfin | World Anvil

Tykren Blackcherry

Younger brother of Barren Blackcherry, fought in Snowpeak, member of church of Dhara and the Mooncrest marauders   Protector of the Conductress and her people.   You have worked for many years trying to settle your conscience as you protect the Courtship of the Hyasinth Elves. They lives in a protected valley inside the Firefang Jags. They migrated here many moons ago due to the safety and the acoustics of the surrounding. These elves communicate with each other in song and hymns. You are not a singer per se, but you have a duty to protect elves because of your troubled past. You are aware that all 5 other Courts of Wood Elves do not get along well with your selected tribe. They are a strange folk, eating fruits and bugs as protein. They do not sing to other races, as they consider all other forms of music other than their own terrible to listen to. They are socially awkward and when traveling with one you will see that they might need help when getting through a social interaction.
  You would have basically received a call to arms from the Highking and in turn that meant the Church of Dhara. You were part of your brothers faction who helped protect the Mooncrest region from mostly werewolf threats and turned a blind eye to any cruelty against the lycans because in your mind they were simply beasts. Once you arrived on the shores of Snowpeak you realized there was no standing army to fight against. You were sent there to destroy families and villages as the Church sought one baby who it was foretold would end the Church of Dhara. You watched as the three leaders argued about tactics as the High Guard and Mooncrest Marauders started on their assault. The Third and smallest faction known as the Merkaynian Enclave turned against the Church's army and protected the elves. You were with your brother when they destroyed villages and your conscience weighs heavy to this day 16 years later


Tykren Blackcherry


Towards Barren Blackcherry


Barren Blackcherry


Towards Tykren Blackcherry


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Year of Birth
155 AHM 57 Years old
Barren Blackcherry (Brother)
Aligned Organization
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