Toma Sheol Character in Galfin | World Anvil

Toma Sheol

Toma Shoel

Biological parent of Mihaela Sheol
  Toma is a figure carved from the wilderness of the Echose Marshland. Tall, with a rugged handsomeness, his skin bears the tan of a man familiar with the sea. His hair, untamed and wild, mirrors the spirit of the Sheol clan – free and unyielding. Toma's eyes, ever watchful, have seen the growth of Wildehail from its early days to its present glory. As a father, he has imparted the values of honor, respect, and love for the land to Mihaela. Always at one with the gryphons, he understands them as he does his own kin, often taking solace in their silent companionship during turbulent times.


Wennifer Boggan


Towards Toma Sheol

Toma Sheol


Towards Wennifer Boggan

Current Location
Wennifer Boggan (spouse)