Terlderna Settlement in Galfin | World Anvil


small village in Siifa
  Terlderna is a small and picturesque hamlet nestled in the heart of the snowy, cold grasslands of the Siifa province of Valhedge. Its population is mostly made up of Yergralffe, who call this place home. The hamlet is blessed with an idyllic location, with the rolling hills, fresh streams, and vibrant wildflowers providing a breathtaking sight. The windmill, which stands tall and proud, catches the soft, frigid breeze, turning rhythmically and lending a peaceful, almost dreamlike quality to the landscape.
  The Margrave of Terlderna, Harth, is well-known for his fair and just rule, and the locals hold him in high regard. The people of Terlderna are hardworking and self-sufficient, relying mostly on the land and their community to thrive. The houses are modest but well-kept, with cozy hearths that provide warmth in the long, frigid winter months. It's a place of simplicity, beauty, and harmony with nature, where the people live in peaceful coexistence with the land and the spirits that inhabit it.
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