Svetla Boggan Character in Galfin | World Anvil

Svetla Boggan

101 - 206
  A solid beacon in the murky groundwaters of Retch, Svetla embodied the spirit of the city's resilience. Her forest green hair tied into a single strand in the centre of her head, often adorned with delicate silver fish-scale patterns reminiscent of her Shiman heritage. With almond-shaped eyes of a deep hazel, they sparkled with youthful enthusiasm and curiosity. Her strong and sturdy form was always wrapped in recent furs, the colors chosen reflecting the moods of the Echose Marshland. Though Svetla's life was tragically short, she left an indelible mark on the hearts of the people of Retch. Her gentle voice often echoed in the market squares, as she recited tales of ancient Shiman legends, intertwined with the lore of the Boggan line. Vibrant, passionate, and tragically ephemeral, Svetla Boggan remains a cherished memory in the rulers of Retch's history.


Roahl Dhast


Towards Svetla Boggan

Svetla Boggan


Towards Roahl Dhast

Current Location
158 AHM 179 AHM 21 years old
Roahl Dhast (spouse)