Sanitorium Building / Landmark in Galfin | World Anvil


The Sanitorium is a large and welcoming building, with bright windows and a cheery yellow facade. The front entrance is marked by a sign bearing the name of the establishment and a small garden of herbs and flowers. Inside, the waiting room is comfortable and inviting, with plush chairs and soft lighting. Dak Praetor sits at the front desk, ready to greet new patients with a smile and a warm welcome. Beyond the waiting room, there are several private rooms where patients can receive treatment and rest. The rooms are clean and cozy, with soft blankets and soothing decor to help patients feel at ease.
  Within the Sanitorium, healers employ both mundane and mystical methods to treat ailments that linger beyond the mortal coil. The boundary between life and death blurs as the sanitorium becomes a place of hope for those teetering on the edge.
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