Crematorium Building / Landmark in Galfin | World Anvil


The Crematorium is a solemn and austere building, with walls made of black stone and little ornamentation. The only hint of its function is the faint smell of smoke and ash that lingers in the air. The front entrance is marked by a simple sign bearing the name of the establishment. Inside, the waiting room is quiet and sparsely furnished, with a single desk where Ullasia Hadir sits to greet new arrivals. Beyond the waiting room lies the furnace room, where Sootska tends to the bodies of the deceased. The furnace itself is a massive, roaring blaze that illuminates the room with an eerie orange glow.
  Flames dance in the Crematorium, where the departed find release in the embrace of fire. The air is heavy with a mix of sorrow and reverence as the flickering flames consume earthly remains, a ritual marking the transition from life to ashes.
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