Nulmabadish Settlement in Galfin | World Anvil


small village in Picton   Small area that was gifted to the daijin revolters as they swore fealty to the Plainsqueen Beonette. They were raiding the area because they were forced out of the Vargen swamps. The crown stopped the raids and gained farmers who were experts in the wet grasslands on the border of Picton.   A testament to diplomacy and unity, Nulmabadish stands as a symbol of reconciliation between the Daijin revolters and Plainsqueen Beonette. Located at the damp grasslands fringing Picton, this area was given to the Daijin after the Marshfire Uprising under Sindaria Sung's leadership. Today, Nulmabadish thrives as a farming hub, where the expertise of the Daijin in marshland farming brings prosperity to the region.
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