Filip Boggan Character in Galfin | World Anvil

Filip Boggan

Estera's son
  -99 - 0
  With broad shoulders and a muscular build, his silhouette was a familiar sight against the backdrop of the bustling city. His deep-set eyes, a rich shade of hazelnut, constantly scanned his surroundings, absorbing the intricacies of the world around him. As a man of few words, Filip's reputation was built on his actions. His dedication to his people and his keen understanding of Retch's dynamics positioned him as a formidable force. While he preferred to keep to the sidelines, avoiding the limelight, those in the know recognized his influence in the decisions that shaped the course of the city's future. Whether he was overseeing the construction of a new building or mediating a dispute between traders, Filip Boggan's presence was synonymous with authority and stability in Retch.
Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
113 BHM 32 BHM 81 years old