Estera Boggan Character in Galfin | World Anvil

Estera Boggan

Irina's daughter
  With the natural elegance of a swan and a steely resolve hidden behind her almond-shaped eyes, Estera Boggan of Retch was a woman who embodied the spirit of the marshlands. Her dark hair, often braided with reeds and white lilies, cascaded down her back, symbolizing her deep connection to the Echose Marshland. Estera was known not just for her beauty but also for her astute understanding of the land's delicate balance. As a master herbalist, she harnessed the medicinal properties of the swamp flora, providing remedies and cures to her people. Her knowledge and dedication to preserving the marshlands and its traditions earned her the respect and admiration of both her peers and the younger generation.
  -99 - 0
  148 BHM Estera (Age 0) born to Irina (Age Slowed 58) 112 BHM Estera (Age Slowed 35) has son Filip Boggan (Age 0) 101 BHM Irina (Age Slowed 105) passes her title onto Estera (Age Slowed 47) 84 BHM Estera passes away (Age Slowed 64) and Filip (Age 28) becomes Eastking
Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
148 BHM 84 BHM 64 years old