Delaney Celandine Character in Galfin | World Anvil

Delaney Celandine

Lady Celandine Emanating grace from every gesture, Lady Celandine is a paragon of noble elegance. Her fine lineage is evident not only in her regality but also in the respect she commands in the court of Retch.
  House of Celandine: The Celandine line, from which Lady Delaney hails, stands as one of the oldest and most revered houses in Retch. Renowned for their diplomatic acumen, the Celandine have been instrumental in weaving together fragile alliances and forging peace treaties that have benefited the region for centuries. The members of House Celandine are characterized by their graceful bearing, keen intellect, and an innate talent for negotiation. They possess a unique ability to read a room and anticipate the needs and desires of those around them. Many whisper that this uncanny skill is a gift passed down through the Delaunay bloodline, an innate magical ability that allows them to excel in the political sphere. Their ancestral home, a sprawling chateau named "Hastemere", is situated on the tranquil shores of Lake Lirean, surrounded by ancient weeping willows. The mansion is famed for its vast libraries, filled with knowledge collected from every corner of the known world, and its grand ballroom, where many a historic treaty has been signed. Sigil of House Celandine: The Celandine crest depicts a silver heron standing gracefully on one leg, poised above rippling water. The heron, with its keen sight, embodies the characteristics of the Celandine line - watchfulness, grace, and the ability to navigate turbulent waters with ease. The backdrop of the sigil is deep azure, representing the clear waters of Lake Lirean, their ancestral homeland. Encircling the heron and water is a band of intertwined gold and silver, symbolizing unity, prosperity, and the interconnectedness of all things.


Floki Boggan


Towards Delaney Celandine

Delaney Celandine


Towards Floki Boggan

Current Location
Floki Boggan (spouse)