Clarion Publican Profession in Galfin | World Anvil

Clarion Publican

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  The Clarion Publican is a figure of immense power and influence in the city of Clarion. They are second only to the Unna Maska, the leader of the city, and have a direct line of communication to them. The Publican is responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of the city, and they are tasked with overseeing the various trade agreements, tax collection, and the maintenance of public order. They are the voice of the people and are held in high regard by the citizens of Clarion. The Publican is known for their quick wit, impeccable style, and their mastery of the political landscape of the city. They are often seen wearing the finest silks and adorned with the most elaborate masks, which are a symbol of their high status in Clarion society. The Publican is a shrewd and cunning individual who is not to be underestimated. Their word carries weight, and their decisions can greatly impact the fate of the city.