Botanoron Building / Landmark in Galfin | World Anvil


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  The Botanoron is a legendary sanctum of the Oakenfolk to watch the Cathedral Ents plant themselves to pass on the mantle of Greendreamer, Wakener of the Woods, Shepherd of the White Herd and Protector of the Grove.
  This is the end of their extended lives watching over the forest. the Greendreamer ensures his fellow Cathedral Ents are able to pass their spirit on to the next Oakenfolk. this ceremony, that takes place on a 3500 year cycle, is watched over by many of the nature based species.
  This ritual is carefully watched as the forest is at its least defended as the five guardianslay themselves to rest, becoming one with the Incantum Forest.
  "The World Trees are greatly important to the cosmic order. The Botanoron, the Ton-Kuauitl (Suntek word for Sun Tree, what other cultures call the World Tree), the damaged Rokau Tree (known as the Great Ashen Tree because it was heavily damaged in the Summer of Smoke)"
  The Botanoran is an ancient and awe-inspiring tree that towers over the forest of Incantum, its roots and branches stretching up to the sky. It is said to be the oldest living being in the forest, with a history spanning back to the dawn of time. The tree is revered by the Oakenfolk, who consider it a sacred place of worship, and it is guarded by the Cathedral Ents, five powerful treants who are tasked with protecting the forest and the Botanoran.
  As the sun sets and the forest falls into darkness, the Botanoran comes alive with an ethereal glow, its branches and leaves glowing with a soft, green light. Those who stand beneath its boughs can feel the energy of the forest coursing through their veins, and they can hear the whispers of the spirits of the forest.
  But the Botanoran is not just a symbol of the forest's beauty and power, it is also a symbol of its history. The Passing of the Green, an ancient ritual that takes place every 3500 years, marks the end of the Cathedral Ents' lives. The five guardians lay themselves to rest, becoming one with the forest, leaving it vulnerable to those who would seek to harm it. It is said that during this time, the forest cries tears of sorrow and the Botanoran's leaves turn red as if it is mourning the loss of its protectors. A surge of energy travels through the grass to choose the next five Cathedral Ents.
  For those who live in Pipun and the surrounding area, the Botanoran is a reminder of the importance of protecting the forest, and of the sacrifices that must be made to ensure its survival.
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