Wulfric Character in Gajas | World Anvil
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Wulfric was a minor NPC that appeared in the Smugglers of magic campaign   He was a infamous thief and assassin working for The Stolen. In his earlier life he worked for the Fishmongers but, after a botched job which the Fishmongers killed is wife for in retatiation, he defected to the Stolen.   Wulfric is the one who gave Fièn her scar in her earlier life.   During the campaign he was used by the Stolen to try and heist the wealth of the Smugglers of Magic while everybody would be distracted. Wulfric got discovered pretty quickly and was forced to join the fight because of that instead. Fien screamed that Wulfric was hers, but during the fight Irial killed him instead as Wulfric dealt a lot of damage to him, threatening his life with it.
Date of Birth
Somewhere in the 610's
Aligned Organization


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