Brodir Character in Gajas | World Anvil
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Brodir was an NPC that appeared in he Smugglers of magic campaign.   He was the leader of the Fishmongers at the time, 1 of the major gangs of Bersail. He ran the orginization together with his aunt Ealhild, though when it came down to it he was the leader.
Brodir is a man who likes to challenge himself and with that often challenges people to fights to test his own strength. Brodir sees challeging himself and putting himself in hardship as a means to improve himself, he does it deliberately to strengthen himself. Brodir out of all the gang leaders is also absent the most as his gang often seeks smuggling routes outside of Bersail in the seas surround it too and next to that he is also often out on trips if there are sightings of monsters to fight for the same challenging himself reason. The people of the Fishmongers have both a kind of respect for Brodir but also fear him as he has been known to be incredibly ruthless as a gang leader and often forces people to fight him as a punishment, no matter their strength.
A lot of people see Brodir as a muscle head, with no intelligence. This of course is not true, while he is not exceptionally smart, you cannot run a gang while being truly dumb, he knows what he is doing.   Brodir is a large strong man, with half-miovikan descent. He wears a rune tattoo on his face, has a thick beard and long flowing brown hair.   Within Bersail, Brodir is known as a fearsome warrior, using a giant metal anchor to fight.   In the campign Brodir appeared as an NPC in he only played a minor role. He had some minor deals with Jade in the campaign. Towards the end of the campaign the Fishmongers had to be convinced to control their actions during the "final reckoning" when the witchhunters made their move and the Smugglers of Magic sought to attack the Red reveler club
Date of Birth
Somewhere in the early 620's
Aligned Organization


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