Philosophy and The Journey To Virtuous Practice

An Exert from Chapter 4
Compassion - Seeking Out Those in Need
I had already been away from my home and my clan for almost a year when I came upon the village. They were destitute, possessed little food, and many of their residents were ill, struck by the sudden flu surging through the area. Despite this, they took me in. Fed and clothed me and gave me a roof to rest under.   This selfless act of kindness, despite the gravity of their situation, shook me to my core and invigorated my spirit. They strove to be good and kind no matter their dire need. In my time of need, the noose that hung upon their necks mattered not. And they cared for me while I was among them.   Before I left this village, I asked their elder, what could I do to repay this kindness. And he told me, go out into this harsh world and pass this kindness on. And at this moment I realized that those of us who have strength both physically, spiritually, and politically, should use our abilities to help those in need. For we are the protectors of our people, and we need to care for and be compassionate to the weak and needy.   Those that cannot fight, cannot stand up or be heard, those of us who follow these codes must protect and guide them through hardship, towards health and prosperity. So, onwards I continued a renewed purpose and clarity of thought.   I would always help those in need from then on, fighting off armed men robbing an elderly merchant of her wares, giving my last bit of food to a hungry waif, or guiding a lost child back home. It mattered not the challenge. Anything to help another, anything within my power, I choose to do the compassionate act. I will guide and protect the lost and weak. This would be a core tenant of my journey and will stay with me from this day and beyond.
History and Origin
Only twelve copies of Philosophy and The Journey to Virtuous Practice were ever made. One copy would be given to each Odegai leader, seven in total, including Khenbhish’s personal copy. The remaining five would be given to trusted contemporaries of Khenbish. This was before the destruction of The Odegai, in the years after the war most of the books were collected and eventually destroyed. This was done on the commands of Toshitsuga Tageshira, the first ruling emperor of Shikyuo after the death of The Odegai. The commands of the first ruler are deemed sacred and carry forward to this day. If a resident of Shikyuo stumbles upon any Odegai readings or artifacts they must report them immediately to the nearest soldier. Whom will confiscate and destroy the items.   Now, only one copy remains of these teachings, and no one knows what has become of it. It’s last known whereabouts have been lost to time, and it hasn’t been seen in nearly a century.   The last copy of Philosophy and The Journey to Virtuous Practice would include Khenbish of Clan Pema’s complete teachings on personal virtue. Otherwise known as Khenbish’s Virtues. The book also includes many philosophical musings and anecdotes by the late philosopher.   If one were to read this tome they would come to realize that The Odegai people were not nearly as violent and destructive as they have been depicted by the accepted history. And while they did fight and war, as many nations do, they were wise, spiritual, and fair.   If this information were to fall into public hands, the current Toshitsuga rule would look foolish and deceitful. Toshitsuga Tageshira and many of his descendants have worked their entire rules crafting a convincing yet false history of The Odegai. Depicting them as evil and violent tyrants, hoping that this image would paint them as saviours and true god granted rulers of the people.   The Toshitsuga will do anything to get their hands on this last remaining book, as it is one of the last pieces of evidence of this extravagant lie.
Cultural Significance
Philosophy and The Journey To Virtuous Practice is the entire collected teachings of Khenbish’s philosophy and story. This includes his virtues, that would eventually be adopted by the Toshitsuga rulers and Shikyuo people. Though his teachings weren’t necessarily popular during his lifetime, they would become significantly important after his and his people's deaths.   Though sadly, his ownership over the formation of these texts and teachings would be struck from Shikyuo history by Toshitsuga Tageshira. As far as the residents of Shikyuo know, Tageshira was delivered these virtues by divine intervention in the lead up to war against The Odegai, while he sat praying for guidance next to Keihatsu Falls. A fanciful, yet ultimately false tale.   The information contained in the surviving tome is the last known evidence of this lie. It describes the true origins of Khenbish’s Virtues, which is now known as Toshitsuga’s Way in modern-day Shikyuo. Many samurai, philosophers, and priests follow these teachings, completely unaware of their true origins.
Book Binding
The book is over three hundred pages long, each page being constructed of fourteen individual strips of thin bamboo. Each bamboo strip was inscribed by hand by Khenbish himself and bound together by clan bookbinders using a tightly woven leather cord.   These pages were then bound together at one end, forming the spine of the book, by using another long leather cord and a thick strip of animal hide leather. Both of which were then secured in place using a sticky adhesive made from boiled animal hide. A simple cotton sleeve was then gently placed over the top of the completed book to shield it from potential damage.   The whole process was extremely time consuming and the creation of the twelve copies took nearly two years to complete.   Similar books were created by the Pema Clan using this method and materials. However, many believe they have all been lost, destroyed by the Toshitsuga in their attempts to erase The Odegai way from history.

Khenbish’s Virtues
Each of these virtues was written using the teachings and knowledge gained by Khenbish during his journey across Shikyuo.   The virtues crafted by Khenbish are Justice, Compassion, Respect and Integrity, Sincerity and Honesty, Courage, Honour, and Loyalty and Duty.   Justice - Believe in justice, not from others but from oneself. What is right is right, and what is wrong is wrong. Only the inner self can determine as such.   Compassion - Use your power for good, help those who need it, not those who ask for it. Seek out those who are in need no matter the distance or time.   Respect and Integrity - There is no reason to be cruel for the sake of proving your strength. One’s self is to be judged by the integrity of his dealings with others. Be honest with all. True strength is determined in times of conflict.   Sincerity and Honesty - Keep your word when given, speaking and doing are the same. When oneself agrees to a task they will not give up until it is completed.   Honour- Only the self can judge their own honour and character. Decisions one makes and carries out reflects who they truly are.   Loyalty and Duty - Oneself is responsible for their actions and the consequences of them. Be loyal to those one feels responsible for and do not falter when they are in need.   Courage - Be risky, put oneself in the line of danger for the sake of those too afraid to do so. Live life to its fullest. Be courageous but not blind. Be intelligent and strong while facing down conflict without fear and doubt.
Philosophy and The Journey to Virtuous Practice was written by The Odegai Sage, Khenbish of Clan Pema. It is a thick bamboo book that contains the philosophical musings, virtues, and semi-autobiographical depiction of Khenbish of Clan Pema’s journey for wisdom across The Sovereign Empire of Shikyuo. Only twelve copies were made, each one being hand made and bound by the Pema Clan of The Odegai. Sadly, only one copy has survived and has been missing for many years now.
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Book / Document
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