Pharmacy Building / Landmark in Future's Seen | World Anvil


The pharmacy is found in many parts of the city of Birdencaster but can be found predominantly in Zone 4. The pharmacies have regressed back to their 19th Century equivalents, due to The Great Rewind. This means that medicines are made at the pharmacies themselves. The pharmacies are licensed and qualification has to be achieved at the University in Zone 2 before being able to become a pharmacist the licenses are awarded and studied for at the City Hall in Zone 2.

History And Equipment

The medicines have returned to a somewhat simplified state that can be handmade, to save on resources and wasting on medicines when they are not required. The equipment that is used more resembles an apothecary, with its Mortar and Pestle [1], Retort [1], Calcinator [1], Alembic [1], and bottles and trays for ingredients.   While in the 19th Century the pharmacy made poisons, so in the latter half of the century bottles were ribbed so that they could be felt to what they are taking [2]. Pharmacies in the new world do not make poisons as these are made at the chemical plant in Zone 3. As this is the case the Pharmacy only makes medicines.

Making The Medicines

The medicines that are made have simple chemical formulas or are herbal in nature. The plants are often grown in the pharmacy themselves in the windows of the pharmacy. This acts as advertising to what the pharmacy can produce, for example, a pharmacy that has lavender on display can make sleeping remedies. These plants are capable of being grown in the UK.   While in winter or other seasons, when some plants will not grow. The Plants are kept somewhere warm to keep the plant from going into hibernation. During these seasons dried variants of the plant have been made.   Medicines that are of simple formulas tend to be easy to make and will need more processes than the medicines that require plants these would be heating chemicals in beakers or test tubes and primitive vacuum tubes these chemicals go through multiple chemical processes until the medicine is made.   These chemical processes can be to separating atoms in a molecule into its subsequent parts and combining them with others to make the desired medicine.