Kindling Item in Future's Seen | World Anvil


Kindling is a fuel source for heat that is made by those in residential areas of Birdencaster and other towns and cities that do not generate enough power to be able to have heating systems.


Kindling is not produced as a primary product it is in fact produced as a secondary one. In the city of Birdencaster, a plank or other piece of wood is cut to produce something useful such as a tabletop and the offcuts of that process are further cut into 18cm lengths (7.08 inches).   These planks are then sent to the biofuel power plant to produce electricity. There is a financial incentive in doing so, these planks have priority, as part of reducing the effects of The Electrical Protests of Birdencaster. For a higher price, they are sold to homeowners in various Zones.  

Household Preparation

When a member of the household gets kindling they will find, unlike the bagged kind that has already been cut, this comes in a box and is still in the planked form it is up to the person to cut the wood themselves.  

The Budget Version

Those on a lower income or who have time to enjoy the safe forested areas can collect their own kindling, from twigs and branches that have fallen in storms as these tree products are not collected by the Forestry industry.