Easthaven Stables Building / Landmark in Frozen North | World Anvil
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Easthaven Stables

The town’s stables are a complex of a single large building and several smaller structures surrounded by a 10-foot-tall iron fence. Its yard is divided into several dozen fenced-off kennel areas. Olamin Snowburrow (halfling) runs the stables along with her four employees.   Olamin buys, sells, and rents sleds, dogs, and axe beaks. At the moment, she has 4d10 trained dogs, 2d6 axe beaks, and 2d4 sleds to offer.   She is welcoming with a great love of animals. She tries to get to know potential buyers before every deal.  

Axe Beak Course

Olamin offers to teach characters on how to handle axe beaks. The training takes three hours and costs 10 gp per person. To learn these skills, a character must roll three DC 10 Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks and succeed on at least two of them. A character who completes the training no longer has disadvantage when handling axe beaks.
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