Cairn’s Crossing Building / Landmark in Frozen North | World Anvil
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Cairn’s Crossing

Drafty old inn   Cairn’s Crossing is the oldest of Easthaven’s inns, which is to say it has the most chinks in its walls for the night winds to blow through. Still, most of the caravanners who come to town stay here out of habit, so the inn does a respectable business.   The innkeeper, Vie Witters, is stout, gray-haired, and tough as nails, and she shows no sign of slowing down despite her age. Many of the inn’s visitors assume that she’s a widow, but in fact she’s married to a local fisher named Bott., who still goes out on the lake every day. Bott spends all day fishing on the lake and sleeps in the small shed near the inn at night. Vie won’t let him sleep inside while he reeks of trout, which is almost always.   The rooms in the main two-story building are drafty but spacious. Guests receive two keys, one for their room and one for the solid wooden chest inside each room. The two-story shed contains a kennel for dogs and axe beaks, space for sleds, and storage upstairs which Bott uses as his bedroom.   Cairn's Crossing and The White Lady Inn have always been rivals. When asked about the town, Vie can describe locations but tries to dissuade guests from visiting The White Lady Inn, referring to Rinaldo's reckless seances, which have brought harm to many participants. She can also recount the tale of the ghost. Because her husband spends most of the day on the lake, he knows the spot where the White Lady is seen most often, probably hovering where her loved one met his demise.
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