Kennaer Hedtonge Character in Frale Tides - Time of the Blue | World Anvil

Kennaer Hedtonge

A young Frale woman with an unfortunate demise. She was only 23 when she succumbed to Frality, and for causing a scene and scaring the local Maincity residents, both Commonform and Highform were happy to see her locked up. This was before studies were done on the Frality condition, before crystals were hijacked and sold illegally, with Spark not potent enough to run as a regular Frale crystal.   The way DEPART dealt with the illegal crystals was to modify the Crystal Latch on Frale, to reject the fake crystal, while more often than not caused the condition that Kennaer suffered from.    She was dropped to the floor in the middle of the central plaza, where the spectacle of her speaking in a hoarse voice of an oncoming surge of Anz unseen in the safe Key Territory , all hidden by DEPART and its Agentform to keep a mass exiting and hysteria.   Once reported, she was taken away by Agentform who locked her in Frale Jale to spend the next few hours screaming of this prophecy, only to have the Frality symptoms wear off and regain her conciousness in an unknown enviroment, and after hearing her scream what they considered crazy lies, the Humane nearby ignored her calls for help.   Three days after her arrest, she had no interaction besides a bar of sliding food every morning. No evaluation, just assumed insane and no need to ask her or see her. She was deciding whether or not to fill up on lunch or save some for dinner when the door slammed open, a distraught group of Agentform staring down at her.   Accusations were yelled and screamed at her, and one Agentform grabbed her by the collar, angry hot tears falling down her face.  
How did you know, did you create this, why did you let them in? How, how how?
  Those were the lines that were asked, screamed, begged of for her, through the rest of her life. The Agentform guards that approached her were lower on he heirarchy, and the Highform and more important Agentform were estimated to be the only ones sent on Bridgeway carriages to safety, while the others were left to fend for themselves the largest wave of Anz invasions seen in history. After three waves of small Anz, the larger land dwelling Anz had marched their way up, destroying buildings, with Anz getting the furtherest they've ever gotten up til that time.   The Maincity did not fall, but it was abandonded for the most part, only a few hundred living there out of finacial reasons or stubborness. Less and less Bridgeway carriages stopped, and eventually only one carriage everyweek dropped off supplies. No Agentform was left in charge, and no one went to the Frale Jale to see who was surviving on one large lunch until Kennear Hedtonge had long since perished.
"She never wanted to be a martyr that you all made her out for. She only wanted what was right, and you all let her die and only carried her name to slug her body and use it as a flag."
-angry KIN Humane
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Circumstances of Death
Died in Frale Jale
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

  Ashamed of how she died, every Frale has to come to reason that with the Maincity so open to the Dust they'd have no way to of saved her.   In her name, organizations like KIN and general Frale riots are inspired for the unjust actiosn against her, the discrimination and the neglect.


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