The leading institution where they manage Humane and Frale interaction for public safety. They have offices in every Maincity and their employees have been named the last Humane Form, Agentform.   Originally a small department of scientists, it grew into gaining control over city after city, and they control about 93% of all Human cities and towns.   Mostly consisting of Humane researchers, they learn towards the rights of the Humane and limit the Frale. Even if the employee is Frale, they are considered a Frale Agentform.   They hold all known Crystal Veins, and have remained a powerful organization from their control of the Frale and their Effects.
Alternative Names
Department of Humane Research and Restrictions
Controlled Territories
Manufactured Items

This article has no secrets.


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Sep 4, 2023 19:04 by Marjorie Ariel

Sounds like just the shady type of organization to keep an eye on. This defnitely feels true to your premise of mizing sci-fi and fantasy!