Bonecasted Taerwarry Species in Frale Tides - Time of the Blue | World Anvil

Bonecasted Taerwarry

The first captured Anz from the very first Maincity or ALAST 00. Many Beast variants have been bred from the Bonecasted Taerwarry, but none are as plentiful easily contained as this variant of Taerwarry. Their population sped is faster, eggs are larger, and meat richer. Each Towerway is given two birds for the tower, and main cities are given named Taerwarry when they first are inhabitated.   It takes them two and half months or so to grow to maturity, 22-26 weeks. Their eggs are double as large as a four or five inches, and have to cooked fully otherwise there could be Raw Anz Poisoning. Baked eggs are popular because of this, and an overcooked egg is nothing to complaint about.   They have a small, long face, with the beak easily allowing an Anz Bitegard to cover them and keep the Humane safe.   When in the Dust, the Bonecasted Taerwarry is assumed to be temporary blinded when it opens its mouth, as the skin its eyes reside on started to rip open because they open their beaks too wide to swallow large prey whole. When they beak is open, smaller teeth start to grow from the beak, as the bonecasted taerwarry finds prey nearby it's teeth start to slowly grind, preparing to tear the prey down.   Keeping the mask on is also considered a safety precaution for the bird itself in captivity. They've been normalized so long and seen in DEPART tours, most Humane don't see them as a threat anymore, but as harmless as a masked Beast that's always around.   Bonecasted Taerwarry specifically are often in children's books, and as children's toys or portraits and mentioned in textbooks for the Humane to familiarize themselves with. Never without a mask, which is often mentioned looks fashionable on them.
"I know it's... wrong of me. But come on. It's beak is so dopey. Don't you just want to have one in your home, waddling around? It can't do no harm! Those pictures in the books are just exaggerations, they can't open their mouths that wide! They're too silly!"
-smitten Commonform
  As the Bonecasted Taerwarry has been kept in captivity so long, they rarely have any issue with behavioral issues. The masks were namely created for them, and keep them more than placated. When it comes to Frale Ranchers, they've been considered very playful. While most Anz do not react with the Frale, the every Taerwarry is known to, once in its life, climb on a Frale and perch on their heads. Quite a few portraits have been made of this, which of course just endears the public even more with these dangerous Anz.


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Aug 4, 2023 16:20 by Marc Zipper

Very cute species I love how the stories have made them have safety precautions love all the little cute details about them too

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin
Aug 12, 2023 19:17

Haha thank you! I imagine most of the Anz to be scary looking, it was fun making the Taerwarry a little cute.