The Scar of Akrasia Physical / Metaphysical Law in Forge Islands | World Anvil

The Scar of Akrasia

  Desctrustive >w> natural or supernatural event  
  • This land has a wound from a magical event that potentially affected the hearth and why it is dimming now. It was some wildfire druid who wanted to make a second hearth and warm the lands (all villainous deeds are made greater by tragic actions and good intentions).

  • The wound left causes gravity in the area to lighten over the water from a spell circle that activates with the lack of light (think of it like, an ecologist wanted to make a second source of light if the sun was to ever go out, but didn't want to blow up the planet so, they had it so that it would only glow as the hearth/sun dimmed). While thwarted, elements of his arcane ritual still dot the land.

  • Maybe there are echoes of this in the world where wildfires start up.

  • HERE'S THE MEAT OF IT - I GOT IT: This wizard trapped and captured a pheonix and had it in a perpetual life/death cycle so that it would be a constant source of light and life. OF COURSE IT BACKFIRED. Surely, he did not intent to harm the poor thing, but wanted to capture that essence/ that spark of rebirth, so it involved several pheonixes.

  • SO NOW, this land effectively has a death curse. Wildfires wrapped around the land and caused the area to be HELLA WARM that that guy wanted, but then, it all faded out making the lands fairly infertile.
  What if this is the supernatural event that cursed the OG wizard who did this messed up stuff, and THAT is who the Woodsmen is. Ultimately a good guy looking out for his people, but DID THE EXACT WRONG THING TO DO, and then became one with the land instead, as both a way to "hey, look, your lands will burn and you will feel it" punishment and "but you will be able to provide for this land as you intent" blessing.


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Jul 4, 2023 05:52

Doing the exactly wrong thing is the way of wizards!

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Aug 16, 2023 01:31 by George Sanders

Fun concept for creating a setting to play! Liked seeing the brainstorming.

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