The Capitol Settlement in Forge Islands | World Anvil

The Capitol

The capital city of Strugatovka is also its first settlement. Or at least its first successful one as some attemps where made before and ended in disaster or tragedy. This particular settlement was first built by the Strugatov Brothers, and the current Hall of Justice & Citizenship was built on top of their very first house, with the foundations still available for exchibition in the main hallway of the building. It was once known as "Strugatovitch", until it was soberly renamed "The Capitol" after the territory was declared a sovereign state.   The Capitol is both the name of the capital city and the name of its most important siege of power : the aforementioned Hall of Justice & Citizenship. The name being too long and complicated, Capitolians call it "The Capitol".   Newcomers often struggle understanding this peculiar subtlety. It is the place where most official decisions about the island, its endeavours and future prospects are discussed. But this building is not the only place, for the most powerful factions of the island have a foot somewhere in the city : local union premises, expensive venues where the rich merchants and lawyers discuss, the big covered market and all its back shop talk between artisans, university buildings and labs that are closed to public but open to the scientific & scholar elite of the nation.   In the midst of all these unofficial turf wars and political conflict, some foreign powers also wander around in the city. Some merchants, some spies. A few officials may also come, but for some reason, many visit incognito.


The rulers of Strugatovka also have jurisiction over the affairs of the Capitol. Mind you, that is the official version of things. The current appointed leaders of the Union Conclave might be the Tekh-Mudretsy, but they still need negociations with at least one of the other Strugatovkan powers for about any action they may attempt taking. And sometimes, it requires negociating with some foreign powers without the local organisations finding out about it.


The Capitol is the biggest and most modern settlement in the whole island. It has schools, hospitals, a complex sewer system, and there are talks of installing public transportation. It is flawed, but access to these infrastructures isn't too hard even for the modest families of the Capitol.
Alternative Name(s)
Strugatovitch (outdated)
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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