SESSION: JEFFERSON'S SOLO ADVENTURE Report in Forever Fallout, Missouri 2317 | World Anvil
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General Summary


    This article summarizes a play-by-post single player adventure involving Alexa Garridan and Jefferson the deathclaw. Chronologically, the events occurred between May 29th, 2317 and June 3rd, 2317, while the Party was headed westward to Flagstaff. (SESSION 27: VOX POPULI to SESSION 31: TOGA PARTY.)


Jefferson the intelligent deathclaw was born in the Enclave headquarters at Americus Indiana. The son of Betsy the Triumphant, a celebrated Enclave agent who rose to be their Secretary of Defense, he was expected to join the service. But Jefferson grew to be an idealist and disapproved of The Enclave’s vicious methods. He left home and studied the law, eventually becoming a wandering defence lawyer for the downtrodden and in need.
  After years without contact with his family, he was approached with a legal case. John Giscala, the mayor of a small town in Missouri was being tried on trumped-up charges of mayoral incompetence. It was a manipulative attempt by the Midwest Brotherhood of Steel to enact martial law across the country. The generals in Chicago were afraid of invasion from Caesar's Legion and attempted to take more control of their own citizens.
  Jefferson took the job, even though it came from the Enclave. He assisted the The Heroes of St. Louis in defending the mayor, and they were successful. A general order came out of that trial in Gamma Town, that all of the martial law orders in the Midwest needed to stop right away. After successfully defending municipal independence in the Midwest, Jefferson and the Heroes parted ways.
  But Jefferson’s mission was not over. Bob Hanssen, Jefferson’s contact in the Enclave, informed the deathclaw that Betsy was demanding that he return to the bunker at Americus. Jefferson complied, though he was cautious…


The moment you arrive at Americus, Betsy brings you to her office. Says, in a secretive way, that the bloodline of Vault 40 might be America's only hope. Alexa Garridan (Lex's difficult aunt from Vault 40) is traveling on foot from the trial in Illinois back to Missouri. Jefferson's mother demands he intercept her on the road, kidnap her and bring her back to Indiana for protection (and maybe experimentation?)


Jefferson says to Betsy: "I love you and I love this family and if we're in legitimate danger, I will always come to stand together with you, but I will not be a pawn for you or the enclave anymore. Not a blind one, anyways.
  Now's your chance. I want to know everything, and I mean everything, about our operations and what is going on out there. I want to know about Vault 40, The Puppetmaster and the Vanishing Point. If you tell me, no matter what you'll say, I'll believe you, and I will go where you think it best for our plans. But if you hold anything back from me, or if, down the line, I discover you lied to me in any way, I will be done with you and with this, forever this time. Do we have a deal?"


Your mother, Betsy the Triumphant, takes you into the deepest part of the den, the ancient cave beneath the modern building. There you see a shrine to the Old America. Tattered stars and stripes, an ancient musket - memories of glory long gone.
  Betsy says: "I've been waiting for this day. It's about time you showed some spine, boy. The story, as it was told to me, goes like this: By 2077, America had grown weak. A warrior nation called China had us on our heels. The commies had no training and lousy equipment but were still managing to push us back. Why? Because of the weight at home. Labour strikes. Disease. Conscription protests. Too many people with too little to go around, and no one wanting to pull their weight.
  It started with the Secretary of Agriculture and spread like wildfire. The Enclave. A secret agreement that some of us would do whatever would need to be done. They were ready to oust the President, make peace with China and restructure at home. But then the bombs dropped, almost without warning.
  Even trapped in government bunkers, the Enclave continued its mission. With the country already depopulated, we could start over. Do things efficiently this time. But the wasteland sprouted monsters. And more tragically, even the human survivors were hopelessly tainted - their mutated genes will lead to sterility in 4 or 5 generations. So, we tried to wipe the slate clean, but the wasteland refused. The Brotherhood in the East, now they go by The Capitol, they hunted us like foxes. Wiped us out almost entirely. But the Midwest chapter of the Brotherhood took our best scientists in, sheltered them."
  She touches the flag with troubled reverence and continues, "The Brotherhood doesn't know it, but there is another faction out there. Someone who has been shaping history for 25 years now. We call him the Puppetmaster, though we know nothing about him. He seems to know our moves before we do. His moves are subtle, sometimes in explicable. People he wants dead tend to die from strange coincidences. I've heard scientists, serious-minded people, say they suspect time-travel. Whenever a nation grows too strong, the Puppetmaster knocks them down. His influence seems to involve magnetic fields. We've gathered as much data as we can, pre-war universities, labs, Vault-Tec experiments, everything. Some of the scientists thought that neural interaction with magnetic fields might be the key. Vault 40 was mutating its subjects, trying to make them psychic. It didn't work, but it did produce DNA with strange properties. Properties that might be the key to evading the Puppetmaster's powers.
  But our research has been cut short. Your new friends reported us to the Brotherhood. And now it looks like our scientists will be executed. The Affiliate Operator who got us caught with her sloppy experiments, a woman named Dr. Harding, didn't even stand with us. At the first sign of trouble, she ran off.
  So, here we are. For America, for anyone, to be free of the Puppetmaster's control we need as scientist to discover what makes Vault 40 DNA special. The Puppetmaster can probably already see us, see that I'm going to try to rescue our scientists. But I hope there's something about Alexa Garridan that means he can't see her. You need to kidnap her so that she can be studied. Can you do this for America, or do I need to send someone else?"


Jefferson takes a deep breath in and lets out a massive sigh. He stands straighter as he speaks, allows himself to be less timid, less apologetic for his features. He regards the shrine and his eyes shine.
  Jefferson to Betsy: "So, this is it. For so long, I have wanted to help the people of America, but all I could see were the everyday struggles and the petty squabbles between factions. I never truly knew what we were. We are the counter to this Puppetmaster. We are the cure for the humans' degradation. We are the ones who will save America from the fallout. The defenders of the public.
  "Thank you for this gift, mother. This purpose. I shall not soon forget this trust you have placed in me, nor shall I prove it misplaced. I shall bring Alexa Garridan back to us, convince her of our just cause."
  He goes to leave the den, and then turns back, saying, "She will be under my protection when I return, mother. Our cause is just, but we cannot continue as we have, working for America's future at the expense of its people. They fear us out there. They speak of us in whispers, as torturers and monsters in the dark while the Capitol and Brotherhood capture our scientists and hunt us for sport. If secrecy was once our ally, it has long since turned coat. I've been out there, the people don't just need protecting, they need a dream they can believe in again, a government that leads them, not just rules them.
  The Puppetmaster wants to keep us divided and weak. We will show him OUR future, a nation united for the good of all!"


Betsy beams with pride and says: "My son. My clever son. I have to admit that the old ways haven't worked. Things may be more important now than ever, so we need to do whatever we can. I'll send a message to the president what you said before I leave for Chicago. I'll have a few humans drive you back to Illinois to catch the Garridan woman. This is your operation. We'll try it your way. As such, I'm bestowing on you a field promotion to the rank of Lieutenant.
  While you do that, I’ll be taking a team to Chicago. There’s a whole cell of Enclave scientists there. General Lucan of the Midwest Brotherhood has declared a shoot-on-sight order for all Enclave personnel. The Chicago cell might already be dead, but I have to try. So, no one is free to perform your mission but you. We need you, son. And I believe in you.”


Jefferson feels incredibly proud at that. This marks a shift in his relationship with his mother that feels very positive, and he feels like what he’s doing is going to change the world for the better.
  Jefferson adds just one more thing to Betsy before he leaves: “I’ve just remembered something. Before the trial in Gamma town, I fought alongside the Heroes of Illinois against a small force of Synths. They were aiming to kill a witness, a Brotherhood border guard. Unfortunately, they were all killed before I could question them. The heroes couldn’t tell what faction they belonged to, and they’ve tangled with a good number of factions out there. Could they be working for this Puppetmaster?”


Betsy admits that strange Synths seem very much like the Puppetmaster but has no idea why they would interfere with the Gamma Town trial.


When Jefferson heads out, he will stay in his ballistic weave suit and hat, as he’s confident in his abilities, but is only going to talk. He’ll take special care to get to know each of the humans under his command and to tell them that under no circumstances are they to draw weapons on or harm Alexa.
  To the Enclave team: “I’m not saying to disobey orders from higher than me if they come, and I won’t hold it against you if they do. I’m just saying you’ll have to shoot me as well, and that’ll be a crying shame. Now, let’s have a drink and a round of cards, yeah?”


Your team are a corporal and two privates. Former caravan guards, recruited and trained for SpecOps. They find your strategy bizarre but respect your rank. They seem professional, but not particularly idealistic.
  Alexa Garridan is a talented hunter and wasteland survivalist who is very unlikely to surrender peacefully.


Jefferson, on the other hand, IS an idealist (he was very much wavering on that point when he met the party, but his talk with his mother has reinforced that part of him) and believes he can convince her, not to surrender per se, but to come with them willingly and peacefully.


[There were various rolls and skill tests to track Alexa down. Eventually, Jefferson had a humvee and three Enclave mercs face-to-face with Alexa, who sensed them approaching her.]
  Well, you got yourself a mad wastelander with a hunting rifle telling you she's walking back to Missouri, and she'll shoot any of you who take one step closer. Your three operators have hands on weapons, but remember your orders.


Jefferson nods appreciatively towards the operators, then turns back to Alexa.
  To Alexa: "Now, miss Alexa, I understand your hostility. I even admire it. That doesn't change the fact that without you our nation - Enclave, Brotherhood, township and vault dweller alike - is in terrible danger. I promise to you, on my life, that you will have my protection if you come with us. You can come with us peacefully, or you can go ahead and shoot me with that gun of yours and I'll grapple you. Either way, you'll not be harmed. What'll it be?"


[Alexa proceeded to shoot Jefferson with her hunting rifle, but the deathclaw absorbed the damage and then grappled her to the ground. The Enclave operators moved in, retrained her, and they all loaded her into their vehicle.]
  Aunt Alexa fights until you get her into the truck, and she realizes she's beaten.
  Alexa shouts at Jefferson: "Taking a vaultie prisoner is sick. Hasn't my family suffered enough?"
  And then she goes quiet and sullen.


Jefferson tells his men to cuff her, but not to treat her roughly. "And treat her gun with respect."
  Jefferson to Alexa: "My dear Alexa. The truth is that I haven't the first inkling of understanding of how you and your family must have suffered. I would undo those sins of the past if I could. For now, all I can say is that it is not my goal to add to those terrible experiences. I hope with time you can come to believe my sincerity."
  Then, to the driver. "Quickly now. Before that gunshot draws any attention."


May 29th: Jefferson picked up Alexa Garridan and brought her back to the den in Americus, Indiana.
  May 30th: Alexa is unhappy but has been a patient and compliant prisoner. Agents have noticed her watching their routines carefully, clearly formulating an escape plan. Initial tests on Garridan had a bizarre result - augmented DNA. Not synthetic per say, but along with the usual GATC nucleotides, Garridan's DNA has 4 new letters in her genetic code. Her DNA would be able to build structures unavailable to any known life.
  May 31st: Enclave intel reports the heroes of St. Louis left Denver in an NCR truck, headed into the Utah badlands. And then that Enclave agent reported being attacked by Brotherhood forces - contact was lost. There are more and more reports of Brotherhood kill teams hunting down Enclave personnel.
  June 1st: Your mother, Betsy the Triumphant, comes back to the den, covered in laser burns. Only three of her five harem males (Jefferson's stepdads?) have returned with her, and with them are a dozen human children.
  "Things have gone badly in Chicago," Betsy reports. "We went to rescue the Enclave team there. But Brotherhood guards were tipped off that we were coming, though there was no way for anyone to know our plans. The Puppetmaster was one step ahead of us. We attempted to fight our way through. Ultimately, the Chicago science team sacrificed themselves to give us the opportunity to rescue their young. The Brotherhood slaughtered every one of the scientists in the firefight as we left with the children."
  "Our scientific capacity is now crippled. We need help. I’ve received a message from President Wilkie, and he sees only two options: Dixie or The Rustlands."
  "Dixie, the lands once known as the Deep South, consider themselves noble, democratic and pluralistic. They believe strongly in the ideals of Old America, but they are naive and weak. Sandwiched between two powerful enemies, it's hard to imagine they'll last long."
  “The Rustlands is a loose nation of former raider tribes. Their brutality has softened, but they haven't grown a sense of ethics. Duplicitous, opportunistic, and manipulative, they cannot be trusted. But it seems the wasteland rewards their brand of immorality - they enjoy a vast trading empire."
  "The president and I hope that this Garridan woman and her family are some sort of camouflage to the Puppetmaster's senses. He asks that you take Alexa to either Dixie or The Rustlands and negotiate with local authorities for her to be studied. I would accompany you, but I must stay here. I made a vow to a dying man that no harm would come to his children."


Jefferson would have been communicating with the scientists every step of the way, asking questions and clarifying as much as he could.
  To the scientists: "When you say her genetic code could build entirely new structures, what can you theorize? Radiation resistant skin? Human 2.0? A new species altogether? Within how many generations could we see the changes, and in what ways might this be used as a tool?" I realise that the answer likely lies in one of the other locations, but that's what he's asking.


The "scientist" says: “I'm a doctor, not a geneticist, but I know that DNA builds the proteins and enzymes that make our whole body. New DNA nucleotides could add new chemicals to the whole body. Rad resistant silicon cell walls, glowing phosphorus skin, powerfully electric gold nerves - the potential is astounding, but only if it works.”


Jefferson is going to be studying and talking to doctors and scientists as much as he can, during all of his down time, trying to get to the point where he can understand everything that's being said about Alexa and also the theories behind the Puppetmaster and extrasensory abilities (ESP) and time travel.
  The other thing he does during those days is go and talk to Alexa in front of the guards: ”I want to check that you've been treated well. That your food and water are satisfactory to your needs. And I wanted to explain to you why you are here. Soldiers, can you give us the room alone, please? I won't be long.”
  And to Alexa, privately: “I don't know how, but there is a Puppetmaster out there, working against the people of America. His agents even engaged your niece in combat, though she has capable allies to protect her. It is my intention to cut the strings. That's where you come in: there are no strings on you, so to speak. You have unique genes that seem to hide you from the Puppetmaster. We want to know why, and whether this can be used to save us all. When my mother returns, we will be able to do further tests and know for sure, and then all of this will be over."


Alexa says: "They're treating me fine. Your story sounds like you're being manipulated by boogeyman stories. If you ask me, if there is a Puppetmaster, it's the Enclave. I can see you believe in your mission, so I'm not taking this personally. I'll try not to kill you when I escape."


To Alexa: "I appreciate that sentiment, I truly do. For my part, I have sworn to defend your life with my own. Whatever happens, no harm shall come to you by me. But I must complete my mission, so I will have to stop you when you try to escape.
  As to the other thing you said... It's occurred to me that you might be right. It is possible that the Puppetmaster is a lie, and the Brotherhood are simply getting more proficient at systematically wiping my people from the face of the world, but that would break me, you understand. It would break the core of me. So, until that is proven to me, I'm going to act believing in a future where we save the world, and all of us get a day of peace for a change."


Alexa: "In my vault, they experimented on developmentally disabled people. Bred those with profound mental disabilities for their genetic instability. The scientists were able to do it by believing it was necessary. That belief became easy when the alternative was looking in the mirror and seeing a monster."


To Alexa: "Ha! The monster in the mirror, very clever. But your words are not lost on me... Time will tell. If I am proven wrong, and I am still alive, know that I will switch sides, do the right thing. If I'm proven right, I hope you can do the same. Soldiers! I'm done here. Until tomorrow, Alexa."
  When his mother comes home, he is devastated and furious at their losses, but glad that those who returned survived.
  To Betsy: "The Puppetmaster will know we're investigating Vault 40's former occupants. They'll be feeling threatened, trying to wipe us off the map (and they very well might succeed) ... Vows must be honoured. Stay with the children and recover. Be safe. I will fulfil this mission, though it cost me everything. But first, mother... it's vague, but I have been thinking about our predicament and believe I have the beginnings of an idea. The future of the Enclave. I must speak to the president."


And Betsy says: "The current situation is too dangerous. The president is unavailable to you. He's currently being constantly moved. Even I won't know where he is until he contacts me again."


To Betsy: "Understood. That being the case, I will take Alexa to Dixie. We need all the pluralists and idealists we can find, though I'll not trust their naivete one inch. I'll have them do the necessary tests and return, hopefully saving as many as I can from their seemingly inevitable destruction. These are the people worth saving, though not the ones we need to lead us through these times."


Betsy: "You certainly have a style, Jefferson. The Enclave way would usually be to blackmail the gangsters of The Rustlands. But if you can persuade the do-gooders, we would salute your wisdom.”


To Betsy: "I am trying something new. The hope is that I can prove it works. Time will tell. Thank you again for the trust you've placed in me. I'll see you soon."
  Jefferson sets out to Dixie with his soldiers (number?) and does the same thing: studies science, spends time getting to know each of the soldiers under him, laughing with each and doing whatever he can for them while remaining totally professional when appropriate. And spending a little time with Alexa each day, to talk and develop a rapport.
  To the soldiers, he will privately reinforce that, when, not if, she tries to escape, they should use non-lethal force, if at all possible, though he will trust the judgement of the soldiers in the moment. Additionally, he will discuss with them his strategy when approaching the scientists in Dixie.
  To the Enclave team: “Our objective is cooperation with these people. We need them to do their tests on Ms. Garridan over there as quickly as they can, and then return to safety. My goal will be to bring as many of them with us as possible, to convince them of the obvious truth that their position is unsustainable, though this is a secondary goal. That said, it may be that I will be unable to cut through their naïveté with words. If at any point it seems like the mission will be irreparably compromised by the incompetence or lack of cooperation with these people, here is a secret sign that will be your signal to take over the area with force. Another, separate sign, will tell you that we are escaping the area with Ms. Garridan in tow, also allowing the use of force. Now, each to their duties, and God bless America.”


  Jefferson's team:
  • The human corporal and two privates who captured Alexa with you, assigned as her personal guards.

  • An assistant Assaultron, named Martha, programmed with reference data.

  • Six human elite spec-ops, a captain and her five lieutenants. She technically outranks you but is assigned to be your honour guard and will follow your direction.

  • Two human drivers, who are also expert navigators and mechanics. They drive two pre-war armored personnel carriers.

  •   The team seems surprised by your friendly style, but they warm to it. You get a sense that they're used to being barked at and the prospect of a non-violent mission with a clear purpose is a welcome change.
      The trip to Atlanta starts with a 350-mile drive south down the Mississippi River to Padcuah. Even after the Great War, the rolling hills of the Shawnee Forest are lush and beautiful in late spring.
      Alexa is quiet and compliant, but clearly watching everything closely. She is building a slow rapport with her guards, who clearly admire her rugged dignity. During the 8-hour journey, you are able to speak with Martha.
      Martha your strategy robot says: "Lieutenant Jefferson, the Great Southern Congress, commonly known as Dixie, is a young nation of 950,000 citizens, spanning the former US states of Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Tennessee. They were forced to organize due to constant attack by their aggressive neighbors, Caesar's Legion and The Capitol. It is noteworthy that Dixie's defense was aided by a strange event against each foe.
      26 years ago, The Capitol was turned back from invasion by a surprise nuclear detonation in Augusta. Later examination of the site revealed the explosion was more likely to have been a fusion electricity generator rather than a dedicated nuclear weapon. No one has ever claimed responsibility.
      And then 20 years ago, Caesar's Legion was rebuffed at the Mississippi by the mysterious death of 5 of its generals. No signs of violence or cause of death were ever found. The superstitious troops fled in terror. Again, no group has ever claimed responsibility.
      Enclave intel reports that the leadership in Dixie was as surprised by these events as anyone. The Puppetmaster is suspected. Perhaps strange coincidences could lead to a reactor going critical, or the unintentional poisoning of generals who were sharing food.
      The nature of the Puppetmaster is entirely mysterious. He seems to have few agents, all of whom are thoughtless Gen-2-style Synths. His operations are usually advanced by people who don't even know they're being manipulated."
      One Enclave Affiliate Operator simply found caps at their door. They went to the market and purchased a pre-war statue, entirely of their own will. When they brought this item home, their spouse, another Enclave operator, had an allergic reaction to the statue's alloy and died. Examination revealed that the 300-year-old statue hadn't been tampered with in any way.
      By all current knowledge of physics, moving one particle back in time one second would expend more energy than is contained within the entire universe. And as for ESP, there are legends of psykers, mutated humans with psychic abilities, but no concrete evidence has ever been found. A group known as the Beast Lords claimed psychic connection to animals, but the effect has never been observed by Enclave personnel. One Dr. Harding was assigned to study this phenomenon, but abandoned the project to explore FEV research instead. There has never been an explanation as to how the physical action of a psychic power could be possible.
      Vault-Tec was curious about psychic ability before the Great War and so conducted the Vault 40 experiment to add extra nucleotides to human DNA. They believed their results to be a failure. The new DNA formed, but is unstable, leading to Genetic Disarray Syndrome - patients' bodies can liquify at any time. This and pain in intense magnetic fields were their only observations.
      The Enclave discovered the Vault 40 ability to evade the Puppetmaster's abilities while investigating his machinations. The village of Emancipation has been secretly fostered by several groups, including the Midwest Brotherhood and a social club known as Prathersville Lodge. The area is quietly supported with caps and security, artificially propping up an idyllic community.
      When investigating Emancipation and nearby Vault 40, Enclave scientists observed none of the Puppetmaster's usual coincidences. Enclave agents compelled Vault 40's staff to submit their data, and the apparent physiological explanation was discovered. Strict defense of the area made direct examination of Vault 40 test subjects impossible without rousing the Brotherhood into bloody conflict. I believe that is the limit of my knowledge. Do you have any further questions?"




    JUNE 2ND, 2317
      In the early hours of the morning, your convoy of two APCs crosses the border between the Midwest Brotherhood of Steel and Dixie at Paducah, Kentucky. There is an increased Brotherhood military presence at the bridge over the Ohio River, but they watch you pass with disinterest. The Dixie border guards on the other side flag you down. They begin an inspection for illegal chems and nuclear weapons. Seeing Alexa, one of the guards asks if she's alright. She gives the guard an odd look, but surrounded by Enclave SpecOps, she knows better than to talk. Alexa says she's fine and you are cleared to enter the Deep South.
      The scene in Padcuah is bizarre. It's a small, prosperous town, not unlike those you've seen in the Midwest. But this morning you find an adjacent tent city hosting hundreds of foreign operators. Midwest technical crews and soldiers all the way from California are set up here.
      Martha, your assaultron assistant, explains, "The nation known as The Capitol has gifted the inoperative Kentucky Dam to Dixie in exchange for some of its electricity, should the dam ever be repaired. The Midwest is providing technicians and the New California Republic is providing peacekeepers."
      Your SpecOps captain notes, "Those aren't peacekeepers. They're wearing grunt uniforms, but those are NCR Rangers. Elites. Probably the best trained sharpshooters in America."
      Martha says, "I don't see how this relates to the mission."
      The captain answers, "If Dixie becomes a war zone, I think it sure as hell relates to our mission. Sir, I'd like the convoy to survey the area immediately around Kentucky Dam."
      Martha buzzes, annoyed. "Inadvisable. War or not, we should proceed to Atlanta as swiftly as possible."


    Jefferson takes a minute to think about it, then says: "Captain, you have the right of it. A congregation of this many major powers and the threat of war in Dixie is not something we can ignore, either as a potential threat to our mission or information that we can use down the line. However, Martha is right to advise haste. Do what reconnaissance you can in the next few hours; I want to be out of Padcuah and well on our way before nightfall."
      Once those orders have been relayed, he'll have a little aside with Alexa. "If a war should break out in Dixie, it will be my intention to save as many as I can and bring them to safety. In an ideal world, the people we're going to see will have run the tests they need to by then and you'll be free to go. However, as is so often proven to us, this world has a tendency to be less than ideal. On the off chance that the scientists don't finish their work and we have to make a hasty retreat from Dixie through a war zone, an extra trained gun could make a huge difference. If it comes to that and I were to uncuff you and give you your gun, could I count on you to help bring those innocents to safety?"
      Jefferson is truly thinking of this as something he'd do only in dire circumstances, but he's interested to see how she takes the offer and how she responds.


    The SpecOps team leaves Padcuah on foot in their tactical gear. Kentucky Dam is only a few miles east and they'll be able to survey in less than two hours.
      Alexa says, "The Capitol and Dixie have been spoiling for a fight for years, building their armies. If a war starts, there will be thousands of displaced people. I don't think your two trucks are going to be much help."
      Alexa looks at Martha and the guards with contempt and says, "I keep things simple. You give me a gun, and I'll do whatever I have to so I get home. I'll stand with you until I'm safe, and then I'm gone. I don't want to shoot anyone, but I will shoot anybody who stands in my way. Right now, you've got me captive. And I know my that the best way for me to get home, and for your people not to retaliate against my home, is for me to cooperate. But the second that changes, so do I."


    To Alexa: “That’s about what I expected. I appreciate that you and I are able to talk straight with one another, Alexa. I have a question for you. How would you go about it? Making the world better, I mean. For a long time, I worked at it from ground level, trying to bring justice to small communities. Now I’ve been given the chance to influence one of the major factions of America, change things in a systemic way. I’m curious to know what you would do.”


    Alexa: "A younger, dumber version of me was a sheriff's deputy. If there was a problem, I would throw my body in between danger and who I thought of as the innocent people of Vault 40. But they weren't innocent. And my sacrifices may have helped individuals in the moment, but they ultimately propped up an unjust system.
      Seems to me that Vault-Tec, The Enclave, The Brotherhood - they all dangle a carrot in front of their pawns. They've been promising the return of America for 200 years. The hope drives people crazy, and that insanity is fuel for their ambitions.
      Do you think you're the first idealist in The Enclave? Your handler probably has a manual with a chapter on exactly how to manipulate a person just like you, backed with data from Vault-Tec experiments. There is no making a difference. The gods take what they want."


    To Alexa: "Then it's not worth fighting for good in the world at all? Better to have nobody at all even try to save or defend people? You could be right about everything, every single point, but that conclusion... In all our conversations, this is the first time I've been disappointed. I'd rather die having tried and failed than having given up."
      And Jefferson leaves.


    It's 9am when the captain and her team return. The captain reports: "Dixie's operation looks legit. They're fixing the dam with help from Midwest technicians. The NCR soldiers are overqualified for guard duty, but they're holding sensible defensive positions."
      She continues, "Across Kentucky Lake is a different story. The Capitol has at least 1500 combat personnel hidden along the eastern shore, and a flotilla of boats to cross. Which doesn't make any sense. That Dam stands 200 feet higher than the lake below. Any boats going across would be sitting ducks, even at night."
      Martha buzzes and says, "I see three possibilities:
      Most likely, this is posturing. The Capitol is losing prestige by giving up the dam. And so, they will want to project force, even if it is only a gesture.
      The second case is betrayal. The Midwest or NCR, or both, could allow The Capitol to invade Dixie. This is unlikely, as The Capitol is universally hated. Dixie could easily rebuff The Capitol alone, but if they were confronted by any two powers, they would be overwhelmed.
      Lastly, The Capitol may not fear defensive fire from the dam because they don't expect the dam to be there for long. The structure could be destroyed with a range of explosive devices. Such an act would ruin an extremely valuable pre-war electrical station for small, short-term gains. But human behavior is sometimes less than wise."
      The SpecOps captain considers this and says, "There's a retired operative here in Padcuah. I say we task him with updating command and then we move out immediately. We saw what we could here and need to continue with our mission. But we should worry about war breaking out and keep a bug out plan in mind.”
      Martha adds, "I will commit 5% of my processor to keeping a westward escape route updated. Unless Lt. Jefferson has an alternative command?"


    To Martha and the SpecOps captain: "If they're meant to be a show of force then why are they keeping themselves hidden?... We should ensure that Dixie at the very least knows about the camped Capitol force. Have our retired operative contact and briefed.
      As to your suggested courses of action, I trust in your expertise, both of you. Nobody will stray from the convoy and keeping that escape route updated sounds sensible. Let's move."


    The captain briefs Salvatore, the local retired agent, on the situation. Your convoy continues south to Memphis and then cuts east. Its 15 hours of driving through the rolling hills and thick, mutated forests of the Deep South. Even in early June, it's hot and humid. Your constitution was built for this, but your human companions are clearly miserable.
      It's midnight when your APCs finally enter Atlanta. The once great city has a few electric streetlights, but mostly sleeps in darkness. 12,000 people live spread through the most stable parts of the ruins.
      Your captain notes, "We've been in a pair of steel coffins all day. Everyone is about ready to pass out. The safe play is to shelter in an empty part of the ruins. But we'd all bless you if we could stay at an inn. A cool bath and a beer would be amazing right now."
      Martha says, "We should immediately proceed to the home of Dixie's president, Carreen Tarleton. The guards will either believe us, or imprison us. In both cases, we will gain an audience with officials."
      The team groans at Martha's suggestion, with the captain adding, "Oh, for fuck sakes."


    To the group: "Martha, the quality of that meeting will make a huge difference. There's an ideal scenario that goes out the window if we show up ragged and ready to drop. Captain, get yourself and our people to an inn. Take every precaution you can, then enjoy your rest. You've earned it, and we'll need everyone at their best tomorrow. Martha and I will find somewhere in the ruins to stay the night. You may be able to remain relatively inconspicuous, but an assaultron and a deathclaw? You get the idea."


    Do you keep Alexa hidden in the ruins with you? Do you order her two guards to stay with you, or allow them to go to the Inn?


    Ooo, great question. Alexa will stay in the ruins with me for sure. I think I'll ask for one volunteer to stay in the ruins and then we'll take shifts watching her.


    In any case, you sleep peacefully. There is a moment, though, and you can't tell if it was a dream or not, that you think you hear Alexa arguing in whispers with Martha. Alexa seems to be demanding something of the robot, and the robot is refusing.


    Interesting... I shall think on what to do with that information.


    JUNE 3RD, 2317
      Your team reconvenes at a position just outside Atlanta's downtown core. The personnel you let go into town are in good spirits. They bring Alexa and her guard ice cold Nuka-Colas and have a present for you: 40 pounds of Atlanta-style smoked pigrat hocks.
      Martha again suggests marching your entire group into the government offices just as any diplomatic entourage would.
      Your Enclave SpecOps captain suggests that the normal Enclave tactic would be to find a mid-level official, kidnap them, and then leverage them for a secret audience with their superiors.
      She admits that this might not be your style, and so alternatively suggests that the kidnapping plan could be modified to drop the abduction: lure an official with an anonymous note, peacefully convince them of the importance of the mission, and then rely on the new contact to set up a real meeting.
      "But this is your operation," your captain notes. "We await your orders."


    Jefferson is very glad to see them in good spirits and is grateful for the gift.
      He thinks about how to proceed for a minute. His first instinct is to go in like any other diplomat would and be entirely open, but he knows that their mission does require secrecy.
      To everyone: "We do this quietly, but friendly-like. Thank you for your suggestion captain, it's the perfect blend of what we need: to stay under the radar but be as transparent as we can.
      To reiterate: we're going in to ask for a favour. We want, if at all possible, to make friends with these people, as it seems to me, we've our fair share of enemies already.
      Also, a reminder that Alexa, while not here of her own free will, is under my protection. If and when we get these tests done, it is my intention to set her free, at a place of her choosing, with food and her gun and our eternal thanks.
      On that note, I want to thank you all for getting us this far. You have been professional, and hardy, and willing to try a new way of doing things. I'm not your usual Enclave operative, this much is true, but I believe in our cause. I believe that what we do, all of us, matters. And the way we do it matters as well. We can become a group that doesn't just fight for America and its people, but a group that inspires those people, that exemplifies the America we wish to create.
      But I'm talking your ears off. I'm going to have a bite of this scintillating pigrat and then let's get to work!"
      The last thing he'll do after all of that and people starting to go about their tasks is go to Martha and say, in a very friendly and casual tone: "Silly thing, but due diligence etcetera: I think I had a dream that you were talking to someone last night, but wanted to check in and see in case you really were."


    Your SpecOps team (I'm purposely not naming them, as they keep their personal names secret), leave to deliver your invitation.
      Martha responds, "The prisoner bothered me in the night, requesting an injection to help her sleep. I refused to assist. I told her that if the mission is successful, I may re-evaluate."
      Before long, the SpecOps captain returns with news: "We've established contact with Skye Kask, their Secretary of Education. He's a former teacher and we hope he's unlikely to do anything rash. The secretary has agreed to meet you at the public tables in Marietta Square. It's an open park with food venders. Easy to get out of in a hurry, but impossible to control. 100% chance there will be Atlanta police observing. No idea if Dixie's army will care. So, we'll maintain a very loose perimeter starting an hour beforehand. At 1pm, you walk in and make your pitch."


    Great, Jefferson won't ask about personal names; he gets it. He thanks Martha for the information, tucks that away in his back pocket. To the captain: "Sounds good. Let's do this thing!"


    JUNE 3RD, 2317, 1pm
      It's a beautiful late spring day in the Deep South. The air is a hot, but tolerable 85F and even after the scars of the Great War, downtown Atlanta is rich with the smells of maple trees and wild jasmine. While nowhere near the grandeur of its pre-war self, Marietta Square is still busy with the lunch rush. Lawyers and bureaucrats rub shoulders with blacksmiths and janitors at the public food courts. They haven't reclaimed the comforts of Old America, but it’s getting close. It's nicer than most places you've seen in the Midwest. You see a mix of faces, humans whose ancestors came from all around the world, ghouls, super mutants and robots building a community together in their ordinary ways.
      Your SpecOps captain waves you into the square and points you to a mousy-looking man sitting alone at a table. He's a small, slender human of very mixed ancestry wearing an expensive but well-worn suit. He eats a pimento cheese sandwich fussily, constantly brushing crumbs from his well-trimmed moustache. He's clearly surprised and frightened to see a deathclaw but pretends to be unimpressed.
      Education Secretary Kask says, "Welcome. Please sit. Before you say anything, I want to make it very clear that I am only interested in actions that benefit the people of the South. I don't want to hear a thing about destiny or the American Dream. For the people who lived here, the American Dream meant Northern industry polluting our rivers and stealing our children to fight their war with China. We're paid up as far as America goes. If you are who I think you are, you have a very bad reputation. But any enemy of the Capital Wasteland Brotherhood is a friend of ours. Frankly, we're caught between The Capitol and Caesar's Legion, and need whatever help you can get. So, what's your pitch?"


    Jefferson delicately takes off his top hat and sits.
      Jefferson says to the education secretary: “Thank you for agreeing to meet with me, Secretary Kask. My name is Jefferson, from, as you may suspect, the Enclave. I understand, both from being born into the faction I now represent to being born a deathclaw, what it is to live down a bad reputation. I’m not going to make excuses; the Enclave is feared for good reason, deathclaws are often brutal in nature. All I can do is present myself and my goals with transparency and hope you believe the truth: that we have come in the spirit of friendship.
      First, myself. I left the Enclave for a time and worked as a defence lawyer for the people of the Midwest, but I accepted a call back to my home after the recent trial in Gamma Town, if you’ve heard of it. I want to tell you we’re the answer you all your troubles, I truly do, because despite your view on the American Dream, what I’ve seen of Atlanta and Dixie in general is wonderful. I wish I could have grown up here… But we may not be the solution entire, in and of ourselves.
      We face a similar dilemma to Dixie, in way. We are used to being an organisation that works in the shadows, the unknowables in the dark. Someone is beating us at our old game, using the Brotherhood to hunt us down. We know far too little about them, not even a name. But we have stumbled, quite by accident, on a potential countermeasure against them.
      A woman, whose unusual genes we need analysed by the scientists here in Dixie. I come offering help, alliance, from a faction of very clever people who are used to getting things done and providing… alternative solutions. I come knowing that our past is dark indeed, and that our specialties and methods are unpleasant, but with my reassurance, whatever weight that may carry, that I am doing all I can to move us in a better direction. I come offering a trade, a deal.”


      Secretary Kask is visibly perplexed by your speech. He makes a small hand gesture on the table that he means to look casual but is clearly a signal to someone watching him.
      Kask says: "That's quite a story, Mr. Jefferson," he says in a slow, but educated drawl. "Given the history of The Institute and your own organization, we take news of secret conspiracies very seriously. You can't tell me the name of this new group. But what do they want? Why are they using the Brotherhood to destroy the Enclave? And how in tarnation do a woman's unusual genes provide a countermeasure to them?"


    Jefferson to Kask: “We know very little concretely. We suspect that the enemy have some way of gathering intelligence that goes far beyond the usual. If there’s a trick, a subterfuge hiding a mundane tactic, I can’t think what it could be.
      I would be happy to share a few specific examples of the kind of thing we’ve noted that leads us to this working hypothesis. Their long-term goals are unknown to us. My personal suspicion is that my organisation is being targeted because we stumbled upon knowledge of this woman. It would appear that she resists this intelligence gathering method in some way. We know enough to understand that her genetics are unique without being able to investigate what the correlation might be to this new enemy.
      That’s all I have for you, and if it sounds like a wild tale and a fool’s errand on which to stake one’s life travelling for days through disputed and dangerous territory, I don’t blame you for it. But we did do those things, Secretary Kask, and all so a deathclaw like me could ask for a conversation with a man like you. Quite frankly, if that doesn’t tell you we’re serious about the whole thing and what it could mean, I don’t know what will.”


    Secretary Kask retrieves a small, rough-made notepad and writes some things with a chunky, post-war-made pencil. He seems focused on copying out some of your phrasing word-for-word.
      Kask says: "Well, the good news is that we've recently got the old American Disease Center mainframe working again. We have the greatest genetic database in the world. But you probably knew that, and that's why you came to me now. The president will want to meet you. And this gifted woman. Present Tarleton is not an academic. In fact, she's a former homemaker - the leader of the War Widows Party. She won't be familiar with technical terms, but she's far from stupid. I presume she'll have a physician present to do an initial exam of the woman.
      Will you submit to a meeting in a secure location? Just you and the subject. Unfortunately, due to the lethality of your natural frame, you will have to wear some basic steel restraints. The woman can go unrestrained... presuming she's of smaller stature. The Great Southern Congress assures your safety, as guaranteed by all pre-war traditions of diplomacy. A security team will pick you up from this location in an hour. Do you agree?"


    Jefferson gives a little chuckle, not unfriendly but terrifying, nonetheless.
      Jefferson says to the education secretary: “You have been very clear, Secretary Kask, about the desperate nature of your position. I have been similarly forthcoming about ours. I think we can help each other, but honesty and gestures of goodwill aside, we must treat one another as adults. I am more than happy to… submit to a meeting with President Tartleton, restrained or otherwise, but all our hopes lie on this woman, and I cannot nor will not put her unguarded in anyone else’s care, traditions of diplomacy or otherwise.
      In an hour’s time, I shall be here, ready to be taken under restraint to meet your President and talk details. A physician on your end may go with my people at that time, alone and with safety guaranteed, to do their initial exam. We’ll then swap back when those tasks have been completed. Take your hour to discuss it with your friends you’ve been signaling if you wish. It’s been a pleasure to meet you, and I look forward to helping keep Dixie a safe and prosperous place.”
      And Jefferson will leave the area to reconvene and talk things through with his people.


    Secretary Kask watches casually as you leave the square. Your SpecOps team guide you through the streets, doubling-back and using fox tricks to avoid potential followers. Soon you are in an old, ruined building with your entire team.
    Your captain remarks, "We're clear. And then says, "I'm not sure I understand your slow pace, boss."
      Martha says, "Explain," in an annoyed tone.
      "It seems to me," the captain says, "That now that we’ve made contact, we could just dump the vaultie off with a bow on her that reads, 'Check my DNA.'"
      "Fuck you, fascist," Alexa spits.
      "Yeah, yeah," the captain continues, "I guess my question is whether there are good or bad words President Tartleton can say. If you get a bad feeling about her, what do we do? Run? What's our plan B?"


    Jefferson looks at his team sternly.
      To the team: “Captain, I understand you may have forgotten my pledge to protect Alexa with my life, and to attempt to show her as great a respect as is possible under the circumstances. Alexa, I apologise on behalf of my team. Now, we must excuse ourselves.”
      Jefferson leads the captain and Martha out of earshot of Alexa.
      To the captain and Martha: “My hesitation is that this President Tartleton seems to be a good person, and I suspect it is more likely she’ll simply let Alexa go free, rather than test her DNA at all if it’s against her will. They wanted me to go in alone with her, and that’s obviously not something we can do. My plan is to go and talk with her; make clear the nature of our prisoner and our desire to release her after the tests are complete - with armed guard and oversight from our team the entire time. That will be the condition for providing help to Dixie, the exact nature of which will be discussed. While I’m gone, it’s likely they will send someone with us to do an initial examination of Alexa. Obviously, you must take every precaution not to be followed or tracked, and for whomever they send not to release or kill her, or to hear anything sensitive. The usual.
      Plan B is the enclave way: while I’m gone, I want you to find the president’s family, or the families of anyone else that can be used as leverage. Plant remote detonation bombs or leave personnel to follow through, I leave the details in your hands. If I don’t come back, or if a deal is impossible, we break into the lab and force the scientists to do the work we need, then get out of the city and back home as fast as we can. All clear? Any thoughts, suggestions?”
      I want to make it clear to the captain that my display was not meant to undermine her command, but rather for the benefit of Alexa herself.


    "Sorry to question you, boss," the captain says. "That sounds good."
      Martha adds, "Bad news: the American Disease Center mainframe can only be accessed within that building, so capturing lab personnel will reduce their effectiveness. Good news: their employment at that buildings makes them (and their loved ones) easy to identify and apprehend."
      The SpecOps captain relays that she will break her people into two teams, one to manage a potential doctor examining Alexa and all of the security and transport that entails, and the second group to prepare the leverage you suggested. They should be ready in time.
      By 2pm, Secretary Kask is in Marietta Square again, this time accompanied by an older man in a white lab coat. From afar, your captain points out two 6-person units of Dixie special forces and suspects there are additional undercover Dixie law enforcement but cannot tell them from civilians.


    To the Enclave captain: "I'd have questioned me, in your position, as well, captain. I bring a lot of new ideas to the table, but the mission does come first."
      When they go to the square, Jefferson says: "Into the lion's den it is, then. To reiterate, if I do not return before nightfall, proceed with plan B and get out of Dixie as quickly as possible. And captain, if at all possible, I would see my wishes for Alexa to be released fulfilled. Otherwise, down the road, it's possible we'll have some very angry heroes knocking at our door. It has been an honour to work with each and every one of you. Wish me luck."
      And Jefferson enters the square.


    [With Jefferson entering the diplomatic negotiation, the Enclave ruse had been completed.]

    The Meeting

    Jefferson deathclaw and his Enclave captain approached President Tarleton and were allowed a private visit. Jefferson gave an impassioned speech which impressed Dixie’s president. They agreed to begin research on Alexa Garridan’s DNA. As they left the meeting, the Enclave captain shook President Tarleton’s hand with a gloved hand of their own.


    The glove had been laced with slow-acting contact poison. The Enclave staff gave no indication that Jefferson did anything wrong, but they immediately went back to their hidden trucks. As they piled into the vehicles, the engines started, and they began to drive out of the city. Jefferson was confused and asked what was going on. They told him that he was no longer in charge. If he had questions, he should ask his mother. The deathclaw watched as they took off Alexa’s handcuffs and threw her a syringe. Alexa greedily took the GSD injection and treated herself immediately.
      When Jefferson saw the change in atmosphere, he was enraged. He demanded the vehicles stop, but they didn’t listen. The Enclave captain warned that they needed to get far from Atlanta; they had just assassinated their president and needed to flee their vengeance.


    Jefferson had heard enough. These people were monstrous, and had manipulated him for their evil purposes. With his great claws, he demonstrated that while he generally chose not use violence, he still had the facility for it. The Enclave agents were caught of guard and within a confined space.
      Alexa saw Jefferson’s attack and sympathized with him. She stole a pistol from one of the agents and joined the fight at Jefferson’s side. The two cleared their own vehicle and pulled over. And when the other vehicles drew closer to investigate, they continued their attack. In moments, all of the Enclave agents were dead, and it was just the two of them.

    A New Understanding

    Alex came clean about Vault 40 and how the Enclave provided GDS in exchange for service, service like how she had been deceiving him. Jefferson and Alexa decided to turn themselves in to the Dixie authorities at Atlanta. Newly elevated President Gomez was shocked, but careful. She kept Alexa and Jefferson in a military jail, holding them for trial but not ready to make their secrets public. The two prisoners were not mistreated, but still held captive and routinely questioned.

    Getting Sick

    By August, Alexa began to exhibit the symptoms of Genetic Disarray Syndrome. But imprisoned in Dixie, she had no access to treatment. Jefferson told her to ask the Dixie authorities to make contact with the Enclave or ask for a humane release. Alexa refused, choosing to take her chances, and wanting nothing more from the Enclave.


    On September 4th, 2317, the forces of The Capitol began to siege Atlanta. Desperate for troops, President Gomez visited Alexa and Jefferson in prison. The president asked them to defend her capital city, and they agreed. Eager to be of service, to do something good, Alexa and Jefferson joined the soldiers defending Atlanta.

    Character(s) interacted with

  • Jefferson, an Intelligent Deathclaw and son of Betsy the Triumphant. A traveling lawyer and do-gooder.
  • Betsy the Triumphant, an Intelligent Deathclaw. An accomplished Enclave agent. Secretary of Defense for The Enclave.
  • Alexa Garridan a hunter and leatherworker. The aunt of Lex Garridan. Born and raised in Vault 40. Formerly a sheriff's deputy in Emancipation.
  • Martha, an Enclave strategy Assaultron
  • Report Date
    11 Jun 2023


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