Spelix Species in Florenic Worlds | World Anvil

Spelix (spee-lix)

Playful Spirits of Paradise

I will remember when a spelix played with me as a kid. We occasionally ran around the nearby woods. At some points we even picked up sticks to do imaginary sword fighting. At the end of the day, when I was all tuckered out, my parents would often find me all tuckered out by the back door to take me inside.

Basic Information


Spelixes are humanoid-shaped spirits that stand between three or four feet tall. Their faces are vaguely shaped akin to barn owls.

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

Playmates of Children

It is said that spelixes are spirits of Paradise that watch over children. Most of the time they hide their presence from bustling urban cities and mainly roam around rural villages; that is where they like to play the most. During the day is when they come out and play with children, ranging from running around fields, having lighthearted mischief, and more! By nightfall, they escort their tired friends back home and are quick to run off before the parents catch a glimpse of them.

Some say even Ibu himself has played with others. Though, when asked about it, he has immaturely given indirect answers.

Average Height
3-4 feet
Average Weight
60-80 lbs.
Geographic Distribution

Florenic Discord


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