Galanthian Faith Organization in Fehr’gia | World Anvil
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Galanthian Faith

In the Footsteps of Giants

Saint Galanthia laid the foundation for a better world, by setting an example of how she wished to see others act. She desired all to be free, to follow the path they desire. Seeking to purge oppression and injustice, she walked the earth and fought for the common man, purging the vile forces of darkness wherever she walked. Long past her passing, humanity came into contact with her now ascended will. Many refused to believe that the Saint had ascended, however, it soon became more than apparent that the Tor Asterion Pantheon now had a new member. Naturally, the faithful would flock together and begin to worship a hero turned goddess despite her behest. Not wanting to be an idol, she set out a path for her followers to walk, carrying her message. Her clergy would help those in need, and her followers would cherish their common man. These messages resonated throughout the ear of man, and so thousands would heed her message. Chapels and Cathedrals were built as safehouses and havens rather than places of sacrifice and veneration, and her paladins would roam the countryside as protectors, not enforcers.

Many were worried, from the explosive growth of this faith, that it would conflict with the worship of the rest of the pantheon and anger the gods of Atlas. This fear was unfounded, as Galanthia intended for all to be able to worship as they see fit, and so the religion found itself at peace with those of other gods and even druidic circles.


Sentinels Eternal

Her desire to protect those that could not protect themselves, to allow the strong and the weak to coexist, was the seed that brought the honorable and valorous to her doorstep. Those that listened to her word and found power in them, would take up swords and shield equally in order to follow the Oath of Vigilance and stand as watchers against the forces of the nine-hells. They follow Galanthia's four virtues,
Prevent Catastrophe,
Purity and Freedom,
Protect the Innocent,

This order of crusaders and protectors had been lost to time, seen as unnecessary because of the success of the The Emerald League. In recent years a resurgence has raised a new generation of followers. It would seem, that the surge in evil has been met with a surge of good, led by the Holy Phoenix Cleisthenes Marcellus, the Sentinels Eternal forge onward.


There are two main orders within the faith, the Clergy, and the Sentinels. The Clergy's is the force of the religion, and it's foremost duty is to guide the common people and spread the values of the faith unto the people. High ranking clergy often travel the countryside, visiting local towns and aiding where they can, healing the wounds of who they are able to, and giving guidance where it is needed. The highest ranking clergy member, and leader of the church, oversees the main cathedral and ensures that the message is not corrupted within its halls. Additionally, the high priest is able to direct the sentinels where they see fit.   Heeding the word of the Clergy, the Sentinels also patrol the countryside, however their duties are to purge the evils of the world. Whenever a monster would attack, it is a sentinel's inherit duty to protect the people. Due to their lower numbers, they travel in groups of one or two, and follow the directions and teachings of the Holy Shield, the title of the greatest and most dedicated of sentinels to the faith.
Founding Date
500~ AW
Religious, Organised Religion
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