Humans Species in Fehr’gia | World Anvil
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The Elkusian Rose

Humans first grew in scattered colonies around the dark and predatory peninsula of Elkus, forsaken by nearby societies, the gods and even the sun. Only the strong and clever survived the constant hunt that characterized their lives, organizing their societies around those who could withstand the creatures that preyed upon them.

Over time, humans learned to use one trait that set them apart from monsters larger and stronger than them to devastating effect: adaptability. They observed tactics of predators that once picked them off like ants and learned to set elaborate traps of their own. In exiling their weakest members to fall prey to werewolves and the like, they poisoned them so that whatever monster claimed them would die as well, eliminating two threats with one sacrifice. The teeth, spines and bones of slain beasts became their weapons. They fired clay to make shelter and other structures and used rare veins of iron and copper to make stronger weapons and tools.

Despite their numerous advancements, Elkus’s uninhabitable nature still tormented their people. In a last-ditch effort for survival, many humans abandoned their homeland in search of more hospitable environs. Those who stayed are now known as the Nightborne, distinguished by their pitch black hair and ghostly skin. Those now known as Imperials moved out into the mainland, displacing native elven kingdoms and supplanting them with the River Lily Empire. Those judged as enemies to the Empire are cast out to the harsh desert of Kresea. There they persist despite the empire's exile and stake their claim as Wastelanders. Veil-Watchers splintered from the imperial establishment to congregate around Mount Chrom, the land closest to the gods, as an ascetic and highly disciplined sect of Tor Asterion followers. Wandering between these and other lands are the far travelers — carefree spirits unmoored from any fixed home or identity.


The Changing of the Guard

Human societal strength is built upon deference to authority. Life in Elkus left little leeway for disagreement or discussion among the populus, so most successful settlements were organized around a central leader whose orders were conveyed to the populus through successive levels of authority. The River Lily Empire expanded this structure into a monarchy centered around the Raven Queen and her court.

As inhabitants of the Empire became accustomed to lives of plenty and safety, questions of morality and extent of individual responsibility came into the public discourse. The old guard and the Nightborne, who remember clearly the privation and anguish of life in Elkus, urge adherence to the rigid power structures that brought the empire to prominence and reprimand individual pursuits as selfish. Those without the strength to defend themselves and contribute to the collective wellbeing should be cast out rather than burden others. They constantly fear scarcity and tend to hoard resources in case of unexpected disaster. While they appreciate their newfound high quality of life, they care little for fine food and material luxuries and may even criticize them as impractical.

The new generation denounce their elders for living in the past and advocate for individual freedom and exploration of the rich cultural and material world the empire has opened up. They delight in fine clothing, food, and jewelry and attend festivals with music, mock battle, and performances. They educate themselves in philosophy and the arts, constantly seeking more knowledge, more wealth, and more recognition. Newly risen are followers of Galanthia, a human who rose to godhood by valor, strength and generosity. Her followers preach the same values, nearly antithetical to the ways of Elkusian humans, of protecting the innocent, advocating for freedom, seeking new perspectives with curiosity rather than judgment, and destroying evil.


Human Names

All human cultures have different naming conventions, your character may follow one of these ideas or be of their own design.

Nightborne: Amalia, Sari, Zsazsa, Edvin, Jozsi, Ninotchka
Imperials: Angelo, Nikolaos, Panagiotis, Michail, Callista, Valentina, Lola
Veil-Watcher: Amka, Elisapee, Cupun, Jissik, Kireama, Nanurjuk, Toklo, Yotimo
Wastelanders: Tumbleweed, Quicksand, Dancing Breeze, Crashing Thunder, Wilted Rose
Far-Traveler: Axel, Bendix, Frieda, Henrik, Jonna, Ida, Karoline, Malin, Lena
ability score increase: Choose two unique stats; increase the first by two and the other by one.
age: Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.
Size: Medium
speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language of your choice. Humans typically learn the languages of other peoples they deal with, including obscure dialects. They are fond of sprinkling their speech with words borrowed from other tongues: Orc curses, Elvish musical expressions, Dwarvish military phrases, and so on.
race features:

Natural Intuition. Humans are keen to understand others. They will become aware if there are special traits amongst enemies during combat or conversation. They also gain proficiency in the Martial skill.
Subrace. Due to their omnipresence, there are many different human cultures with slight but notable differences. Choose one of the following as your subrace.

Far Traveler

Your people wander the world in search of yet unknown land and wisdom. Your home is where your heart decides.

Ability Score Increase. Choose one unique stat you have not increased yet, and increase that stat by 1.
Adventurous Soul. After you or your party roll for an encounter, but before the outcome is decided, you can spend a hit die to roll another of the same die and choose between the two results.
Extra Language. Your traveling has opened you to cultures from around the world. You have proficiency in two languages of your choice.



Imperial humans are born in the grand River Lily Empire to a life of opulence and indulgence. They are condescending and often cynical.

Expertly Trained. You gain proficiency with two tools, weapons, or vehicles of your choice.
Tactical Superiority. Whenever you add proficiency to the Martial skill, add double your proficiency instead.
Inquisitive Soul. Whenever you make a Martial check, you can spend a hit die to automatically succeed. You also learn all of the tags the creature has, instead of just one. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.



Raised in Elkus, the land of eternal night, nightborne are strange and distant souls. They often have pale skin and dark hair, and are more accustomed to horror and tragedy than other humans.

Darkvision. You were born in the land of eternal night, and have grown accustomed to the darkness. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Silver Eyes. You have seen all manner of horrors in your life. You have advantage on saving throws against being feared.
Monstrous Soul. When you succeed on a weapon attack roll while you have advantage, you can spend a hit die to deal maximum damage with that weapons damage roll. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.


Veil Watcher

Veil watchers are raised atop the highlands of Chrom, naturally attuned to magic and the Weave. Notably, they often have snowy white or ashen grey hair.

Arcane Soul. As part of a short rest, you can spend a hit die to regain a minimum level spell slot.
Lore Keeper. You become proficient in your choice of either Religion or Arcana.
Divine Rite. As an action, you can spend a hit die to heal a friendly creature by the amount you would normally roll to level up or to cure one non-magical disease they have. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.



Wastelanders are hardy folk who inhabit inhospitable lands such as Kresea, Ogren’s Wastes, or even No Man's Land. Usually of stronger builds and more eccentric personalities.

Stubborn Soul. If you take damage, you can spend up to half your hit dice (rounded up) to reduce the blow of the hit. Roll the dice you choose to spend, add your Constitution modifier to the total, and reduce the damage taken by that amount. Once you use this trait, you gain one death failure and can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
Scrappy Survivor. You are proficient in one of the following skills of your choice: Athletics, Acrobatics, Nature, or Survival.
Hardy and Brawny. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.

Genetic Descendants
on average less than a century.
Average Height
from barely 5 feet to well over 6
Geographic Distribution

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